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Full text of "Wallace Fard Muhammed"

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S[fJW.!2EC^|;jjM-.niFr ^ 

|^J/.y5J2 5,196i, 

L-feri sf N fraiTcIsc 




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UkmcfMmi mi mm to 4tf*nr •• ^ ^ ^ 


alto Icnown m 
W allla D. ford, 

Vallai Ford 
Wallaca Farad 


’ . ■ \ 


WALLEl FORD. Lot Angelas PoUca Dapartaent PJ' ^^****.^ 

Arrsstsd by Los Ansslss Polles Dspartnsnt on 
Xovsabsr 17 • 1911 for assault with a dsadly waapon and 

Arrestsd by Los Angelas Polles Dapartmant on 
January 20, 1926 for violation of the Voolwlna Act (California 
prohibition law), possession and sals. On March S , 1926, ha 
was sentenced to a one dollar fine or one day In '5*11 on count 
1 and to 6400 fine or 180 days in 5*^1 count 2. 

Arrested by Los Angeles Police Department on 
February IS, 1926 for violation of the State Poison Act - a 
felony. On May 28, 1926 he was sentenced to a tern from 
6 months to six years and was received at San Quentin Penltent- 
lary on ^une 12, 1926. He was released from San Quentin on May 
27, 1929. 


WALLIE D. FORD, SQ *42314 

Received at San Quentin June 12, 1926 from Los 
^^A^geles County, where he was convicted for violation of the 
iJ^^v^State Poison Act. Descrlptlont 

'5' *v. ; 




Portland, Oret 

February 2S, ll89l'‘-^ - — 

ZARED FORD, bdrH* Ih'Baftall 


borp' in Hawaii 

fut — 



^nmtk - ii M . ,1 giiiii r H r > Wi ; - rnt m id^ h . ii^ 

\ : ■=■ /x -•-:■• - V- 

\ . .' V-v. ^;;'vr''----,'4- .vv -’ . ^ 

O ' 

-'«\‘:^.;C': V-' ;' Occupation of '^''"l'-'' ' 

“ ‘ ‘ . - Operator of Ford Bottling 


Father I 

I-. -K ‘ ^ ' '. f 


AjXAeee^ A Moa O 
^ wwta^n V Avaa « 






Marital Status! 



Fcraer Addreeei 

Works , Honolulu, Hawaii 

»* S S/8" 

133 lbs. 





1, age 5 - 1936 

Public schools, Portland, 


SSOl Mount Eagle Place, 
Los Angeles, California 

Keleased from San Quentin on May 37, 1929. 

While in San Quentin, a letter was received from 
Mrs. RA2EL E. OSBURNE, described as his foraer wife, attesting 
to his character. Her address: 9ii01 Mount Eagle Place, Los 
Angeles. . . ■ y, ^ 


He was bom In Portland, Oregon, In 1891 and lived 
In that city until 1913, when hs aoved to Los Angeles, where he 
^ resided until his arrest. 

^ . ■ 

f it_ ' Re married HAZEL BARTON In Los Angeles when she was 

^.A . 26 years of age. One child resulted from this union. t 



‘V " Heeords 1920 Volume 173, page 7850i >? \ 

At ■ WALLACE DODD FORD, male child, bom September 1, 1920j T -r a 

» MacDonald Sanitarium. - _ „v-^ — '-i \ — 

- Father: WALLACE FORD, 347 South Flower Street, Los ; 


A’oviv wiix^ag ill new bwaxanug 

restaurant keeper. 

. \ 


%, If 

- ^ > • • • “ . , ^ ’’ ■ 

: ff 

-2 - 



a:V-*-7r- ‘ - 

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U . 



™F»’^ ' •' IfothT i Mid«n nase HAZEL BARTOH, l^t Jq^ 

yfipwtp Btr«at» rac« whlt«t ag« IS* born Stato o^,,$ifii'^-oitACf 
nona*" ' ' — . ^ ■*-" ' 

" ^ Birth oartiflad on Baptanbar 2» 1920 by HARLEY 

^'HAC DONALD, Physician^ with officaa at 1S2I South Bopa 
Btraat, Lot Angalaa* 

Attachad to tha abova birth eartlflcata was an 
aaendnant to tha cartificata datad July 10, 1940 filad by HAZEL 
FORD EVELSIZER of 4776 Hub Straat, Loa Angalaa, who atatad aha '•i-*- 
waa tha nothar. Amandad cartificata changad tha original 
cartificata to road; Full naiaa of child, WALLACE MAX FORD, 
occupation of nothar - houaawifa* CLIFFORD EVELSIZER, 4776 
Hub Straat, Loa Angalaa, alao aubaeribad to tha infomation in 
thanandad cartificata on. July 1, 1940 bafora a notary public. 

HAZEL EVELSIZER awopa to thia cartificata alao on July 1, 1940. 


WALLACE FARAD, Detroit Polica Departnant 945198, 

Vaa arraatad Hay 2S', 1993 by tha Detroit Polica Department for 
Invaatigation* Daacribtd as follows; Age 33, height S' 8”, weight 
135 Iba., "Arabian ancestry", occupation nlnlatar. No disposition 

shown in records. A photo was taken. 

. — 

HALLEI FORD, Los Angeles Polica Department 116447 
or 16448 (arrested November 17, 1918) identical to WALLIE D. 

. , FORD, San Quentin 942314 and to WALLACE FARAD, Detroit Police 

; Department 945138. 

Last information as to whereabouts of this individual 
was in 1934. Son, WALLACE FORD, bom in 1920, was killed in 
Llnhaven Roads, Virginia, on August 3, 1942 while in tha U.S. 

(^ast Guard. 

Office Memorandum 

to I SAC (100-0165^ 

M 1 SA Sdwin 0* RauAsep 


IMTK 3-S-6$ 

I Wallace D. Pard aka 

Jfurnishcd ika a background Be»o r< 
tho euDject* wnicn le ai-Miwned he ret# and pade a part hereof* 
Since it conUlns ne additional pertinent data to that i* already 
kaowa te the bureau, ne action la warranted. 

Action: File, 





^ ^ 




/. • i ■* -' /■ V 


mws KSD POCtiaKTJgT DEFT.'* 

aJlCSaBOUND lUFOmTIOH OH WAUACE 20DD (AUaa F^rd, F^rrad, ate.) ’ • 

.• • . ■ ■ . • . ■, • 

■ 'vjfirVrr ■' . 

Dodd< undar the nane 1?allace D. Fard. is tho founder of the Black T'usllic sect 
(*Lo*t-Poucd Hation of Islaa in North Aacricai) and is considered by nembers of 
the sect the eiabodintent of God^ the Nessiah, etc. Elijah Iluhacucad (Elijah Poole) 
is his chief apostle and prophet. 

«T4a 4 en Vmtt T?«Vk%ei' Ofii TPOT 

omw WWA SA sewn e w* wmati ^ 

his Bothjr Polynesian. 

Eis FBI identification nunber is $S062* 

California Bureau of Identification and Invectii:aticn lists him as TTallace Ford, ^179792U. 
At San Quentin his iras listed as Ford, #ii25lh. , 

ilichigan State Police list him as TTallace Farad, ^‘9£076. 

Los. Ar.geles Police list hip ss Tfallie B, Ford (arrested for bootl^^^^ing J?n 20, 1926) 

AH of the above carry the sane finger prints — in all cases he ir listed as Cauension, 

On the birth certificate of his illegltiaate son, TJallace Dodd is listed as rhito. 
His cocnon law wife, also listed as white, wis naned Hazel Barton. 

This certificate, filled out Septeciber 1, 1930, "was filed with the California State 
Board of Hoalth September 2, 1930.^^___ 

(Sori n^nie d Dodd -- »— it changed to Wallace D. Ford^ 

(the eon is said to -have drowned while serving in the Coast Guard in 19lt2; this would 
not check out, however, as he would only be 12 years old) 

Dodd arrived in tho United States from Nc.. Zealand in 1913, settled briefly in Portland, 

He lingered in the Seattle Area as Fred Dodd for a ferr months, then moved to Los Angelos 
and opened a restaurant at 603 W, Tloird Street as TTallace D. Ford. 

Ee was arrested for bootlegging January, 1926j ser'^ed a brief Jail sentence (also as 
Wallace D, Ford) — identified on record as white, 

Am "» /s T rs^ — t:* a. ^ m n^.-. a- 4 w*. ^ t ^ z ^ ^ 

VAX judij «LA5C t ua'u^ n«tz> L^c;it^c7tA v^uciiiaXiA AkAA £>c4xc; ; ic-f A^u uj. 

at his resta\:rant; got 6-months to 6-ytar3 sentence — ^ relc-iscd from San Quentin i-ay 27, 
1929. Prison recoixi lists hia as Caucasion, 

After' release, went to Chicago, then to Detroit as a silk peddler. His customers were 
mostly ^‘cgro and he himself posed as a Negro. Ne prided himself as a biblical authority 
and icath/matlcian. 

When Elijah Kuhaamad (Poolr) net him, he was passing himself off as a savior and clcimirg 
that he was bom in i'ecca and hod arrived in the D. S, on July L, 1930, 

In 1933 there was a scandal revolving about~1he~scct invol^fing a "huma.n sacrifice'*^ rrh-irh " 
may or may not have been trunroed up. At ary..rate, the lead er was rjre stcd llay 25, 1933, 
under the name Fard with 8 other listed aliases 0.7, D, Farrlid; Wallace /^aa, \7aTjL Farrad, 

X~A UA • XIAO X CptJA' b 9^,Y9 X/WbitA o.u;j:.A bb&U. ' 

"strictly a racket" and he was "getting all the money out 
out of Detroit, . • 


u' iiA.a uc;c 3 .i^iix 1 r i/cjA a 

it he could^" (^e vrafs ordered 

F;il— ' 


— 'iSa 

/an - V3 /I /- Ji' 




• * 

A newspaper article ifhich appeared in the San Francisco Sxantiner and the Loe Angeles 
Exaciiner on July 28, 1^63> repoirter £d Montgomery (of San Francisco) claimed to hare 
contacted Dodd's former comnon law wife — Hazel Barton or Hazel Dodd or Hazel Ford. 

k ^ W ^ ^ ^ AWW V' 4 M .ki M A ^ A «« ^ WWjm 4 A M m. 

A'v^eWa eev ■sv.x^vvLii Tfciat,! W uca A-^^V XI*^ A4C UA UX to toV^i|k*W m ' ^ 

traveling suit salesnan for a mall order taller. In this position he worked himself , 
across the aidwest and ultir^tely arrived in iJos Angeles in the spring of 193l< in s 
new car and wearing firwing ihite robes* He tried to work out a recondlation -with 
the woman, but she would not agree to one, (Inddentlv, she said he had sent her 
considerable amounts of money from tine to tiir^) Ke stayed in los Angeles for two 
weeks, frequently visiting ids son. Then he sold his car and boarded a ship bound 

for Kew Zealand where be said be would visit relatives. 

' « . • ^■ 

on i^coruai^ cm jautitog^wuicx j - — — - 

was advised Farad's common law wife and a blood relative were prepared to establish the 
truth of Farad's identity, Ihe $100, OCX) never was placed in escrow and the natter was nnop 
dropped forthnith," • . * 

Montgomery's article says of Dodd's disappearance: "Farad, reverting to iis true name or 
Dodd, sailed for Austrialla," 

I -t- 




: SAC (IDO- 43 I& 5 ) 


July 31, 1963 

FROM ; • SA 


Hie San FVanclsco Examiner in its Pinal Edition for Sunday, 

July 28, 1963 , on page 1 carries an article by ED KONTGCI.ERT captioned s 
"BLACK MUSLIM FAKE", This article exposes WALLACE FARAD (sjibject), founds 
of the NOI and considered ALLAH, as "an enterprising, racketeering fake" 
and a idiite man* The article was forwarded to the Bureau and a copy has 
been designated for the NOI file (lOO— 51A73) in this office. If another 
copy can be made available, it will be filed in this ease file, Hie pur- 
pose of this joemorandum is to note the existence of the article and wher< 
can be located, 

Rscommendation: File 


s^A .CHCO 

‘ SLfs.ALJlLO.^'. 

JUL 3 i 1363 



Office Memorandum • 

TO I SAC, 8AH FRANCISCO (IOO-A3165) *>atb: May 20, 1963 



Re Chicago lettaj^^&Jrgaj^ated May 2, 1963* 

On May 20, State Department of Motor Veh> 

leles, Sacramento^ a^r^e^^^^^j^^Wiable to locate any automobile 
real stored to V^lace Dodd Ford, She explained that auto registra- 
tion files ary^urged In the IWV files two years after the last 
regl strati on >of narti nniar aut omobi le l_a — reg - i s tored. 

, 196] 

-ctlons, Sacramento, aavisea x.nat Don! 
llfomla Medical Facility, Vacaville, 


ha nrlson file California 

Will obtain copy of his flnverprlnts If they 
rlaon file. He served a term of five years to 
IsorT^ind^as released Sen^mber 7, 193^*. 

State Depart- 
'd s6n orison file 

- i'tii 

i::£x:q ^ 

' — Fll"' _ 

^^A^2 2\%r^ 

? 0 • •:v^ ■--'■< V- VV 



I SAC, 8 F ^ 100-431 eS) 
Aoii 4 SA^™* 




. ®ati« 10 / 4 / 6 T 

Psyc¥*^fiP better to fiLreotor dated 8/27/67« 



On 10/4/57 ID Offloer,Oaldanoe and %oeptlon Center, California 

^ Medical Facili^^mad^TaTlbale a photograph of TftLLIE D.P0RD,Sq3f 42314, liiloh 
i A j* photo he atated wag tahen In .June, 1926 idien iJie subject was reoelwed In the 
'* reoeptlon oenter* • ■ r 

^m^^^tated hia records indicate that the subject was arrested In 
DStroit.Uiohlgan, their number 45156, on S/25/33 on a charge of InTestigatlon* 

He suggested that the Detrplt authorities ad^t have a nore recent photo* 



OCT -5 1957 

■ 1 

y OC' 

%C L-~.ya- 


. -t 



• ir~^A vy^Cr 

A* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Wl> 

^ D j 

jteiv MCr 


• OOi Chloagt 

A* • r*iul% of o rooont intp^otlon of tbo Chicago 
Offio«| it vas aug^aatad that a oonoartad affort b# aada to 
datanuno tha vharaabouta of V«D« FAKD^raportadlj tha foun^ar 
of tha Nation of ZaXas (HOI)* According to apoaohoa and 
vrltlnat of ELIJAH KHHAKK/ID, tha National Laalar of tha VQI» 
"Allah^ oaaa to X>atroltf Hiohlgan from Kaaoa in 1030 In tha 
par eon of ana V.D* FAHD and ^ught hla for 3 yaara aoncaxmlng 
f elaai* Aooordlng to KUHAKMAD^ fARD vaa arroatad ty tha i^troxt 
PoUoa Dapartaaht In I933t ahortly tharaaftar waa aakad to 
Xaava Datrolt by tha polloa dapartmant* KHHAIOIAD alalma that 
FAAD oontlnuad to taaoh Jalaia in Chicago tantll 103Ut at which 
tisa FABD dlaappaarad and nothing^ about hiia haa baan heard 

Kay 25» 1933* tbalr nunibar 4^I30« on a onarga or me. no 
diapoeition waa giran* 

that ha waa arraetad by tha Loa Angalea, Oalifornla Polloa 
Pcpartment ea VKUjZZ FQRDg their number IblihS* on Hovombar 17* 
I9l8f on a charge of H^fT Ho dlepoaitlon waa given* 

2-Patroit (RM) 

2-Loa Angelea (RH) 

'2^San Franoleoo (RM) 

Tha Identification Record for PARD alao Indicataa 

*-■" — ^ -* -*‘- -I I f *t -t- i>ii,>*i 

■* -4L iV- .'* f ’'^ rntTf wm -n mV 

■> ■,-: .-V 


* #> 

I ca 10^33^85 

fhl* r«eord ulao indieat*s tliat F^ 


at tha Stata Trlaon. San Quantln^ Oallfori^af aa VALLXI D* 
BORD. thalr niaii^F (231k. on /una 26« 1926 on a oharga of 

>« FOIS Aat* Plipoaltioa glvan 0 to 6 jaari* Kay 26, 1933» 


i>they antrlai 
__ VALLE]3 °gl6tik6^ Lob 
or ifiOayij WALLEI r— 
VAf FOSSf Kareh 1' 

bo FBI Idantlfieatlon Raeord 
alaa. Callfomiai KA. aala^ f4^ 
X61f4.Bf Loa Angelas. California^ 
•00 or 1 day« Karon U» 1926« 

Additional aliaaaa liatad ara VAUJIGS FORD and VtD« FARAD* 

Tba folloving la a da script ion aa f^^labad bj 
tba Datroit Feliea Oapartnaatj tnair nmabar a5l3oi 



?• . 















33 yaara In 1933 
127 ^ounda 





According to tba FBI IdantiTieatlon Record* additional 
information In the file a of tba Bureau Indicate blrtb place aa 
Oregon* occupation cook* nationality American, complexion 
dark. Bears and marks* small soar back of left hand* black mole 
right aide of atomacb* 

Detroit la requested to rcTiew the Indices of their 
Office for any pertinent information concerning W*D# FARD or 
WALLACfi DOK FARD* .VAJ^UCE FARAD, Detroit is alao requested to 
rcTlew records of the Detroit Police Department, their number 
45139# and ascertain circumstance a conoornlng FARD* a arrest 
;j on Kay 2^, 1933 and disposition thereof* and to furnish Chicago 
a photograph if aTailabla* 



' f- ^ '1 

• 2 • 


* r 


-'-i- \« V*. 


M 100*33663 

Y ^ 

. . Lo« An«#Ui U t« rtrl«w Lot 

reli«« P^pArtawnt r#cor 4 nviO>«r 16^46# *06 

•f tb« •lrouBwt«fteii twrwndlng tb« wrrtat FABD . 

%xA ditpoeliloa tb*r«of« Zt !■ also raquaittd that a photo^^ash# 
if aTallahlaf ba farttiabal* 

San Franeitoo la raquAatad ta oontipt offlolala 
at Sna Quantln Frlion and ravlav their file #423l4i *“<5 
Ol^aago alro^Butaneea aurroundlng the Inoareeratlon of FARO# 
and if afallahla# furnlSh a photograph# 

Xt ia requested that all Offloes reoelTlng ooplea 
af this letter to furaishto the raquasted Inforaation bp 


■ V, 

jr»2i»ral Smvmt of 

Vnit»H Btatt* Beiiartttuttt of ftxstfro 
Vao^istufott, 9. <(• 

y. . 

'■> ■• 'rtsS 

V 23-9007 ■ . \, 

, 25-96806 

' . AT.T.iH TEliPlS <F ISLAH, «t al 

■ ■ ‘ ■■: : ■' •. 3ELBCTIVB='SERVICB 

Idmaiber 9» 1963 

V.-;^ . 

. Sowral 7 *«ra latar in 1931 ‘whil* walking down tha straat in Catroit^ 
MCordLac to Bogana^ ha nat ^Ulah." Thia parson was known to bin as WaUaca 
S* Fard and *tbo living Qod»" Allah has proved to bo vary much of a hman 
being slnco ha has an arrest record in the Identiflcatiai Division of the FBI« u 
. ■ . 

Wm D* Fard tau^t Elijah that the negroes ware Uoslens as were all 
a< .the dazic races and that by registering with the nation of Islam the colored 
pao]do would be given their correct names frcn Mecca and their slave names 
woold be takm from them* Usmbers discard their slave names and use STabols 
sneh as "I* until they receive their names from Mecca* Fard also instructed 
that IfoelaBS were not to partieipato in odlitazy matters since they are 
rogistared and are oltisens of the nation of Islam* In 1934 Fard disappeared 
and noDO of his followers will admit having seen him since that time* In his 
absence Elijah Foole« now known as Qulan Bogans or Mohammed RassouU, and his 
holjMrs hare been carrying on the leadership of the group* Temples of Islam 
have been opened in MilwaukeSj Chicago and Washington^ D* C*> in addition to 
the original temple in Detroit*^ 



t vv 4 

si-o^js r 





• If ^f' ■^•^,-. .- . . 

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jijw vtA^A uiuQxnAxiuu ITJiCjiiSWf illsaiSSJJ'i'X 


Trw.’t 'vano 
Wi^^l rrj^y 

I /*\ fraaPQHl liADK AT 








i '•'-. J ^^*3/ ^ '1 


J» Ai Jijk ■■' 



ATTAH TEL?IR of ISLiiC. an OTsanization 

■,v" 4 ' 


^ • .•#r y t V-f - •- 

Q ^ 

^--—T ■ - - •■- 

• f 'vl??^-xf:i.-.'v^: 

■'• '4 j' V 3 ^- 

' r ’ 


■J""' ir^ 

of American nagroeSf vas founded faj one W« D* FARAD# 

In I930» This Organization haa fun<*tioned slncn that ', 
data In Chicago^ Fllsaukee# Cleveland^ Washington^ D.C«# 
and other plaoes« TTm crganizatlcn has been strongly 
Jra^apanese* and Its XeacerS cOuDseled the Oasbera 
to refiiso to registar for Selective Service tj telling 
then that they are already registered in Mecca* ELIJAH 
lOHAUB^y Chicago^ Illinoiaj aaa also knomn aa the 
HtOPHET* and was the national leader* PAULHS BAKAR is 
the national secretary. Leaders of the TSllFIJC located 
in lfi.lwaukee> Washington# 0*C*# and Chicago# were ' •■ . 

oonvlcted for Selective Service violatlone# and were 
also indleted for sedltion*u 

» . d 



^ . Coplea of this repcrt 

y^r> ^ 73f 

I . i •T 



S -m Jackson (X ^SA Clarksdales Ifls 

X-^Mga , oonaiHtf 



"■■ - ■ . ■ : X " 

1 : J 

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; ■■.■' * ■ '•• , • •• .-. ».■ ' ‘i- • ' 

•' -ft .( 

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V ; - ■ ,v -y 

's-'.-v, -ip.*., . 4 - 

■’f ■ “ • 

■ - ‘ 'S^J 

. ■ t - - • ■ /-*; "^ 

dk -1.. 

'%'CMe*go me #100-12899 

of I31AM KU founded in 1939 or 1930» exact d&te not 
If of Detroit f Hichlgan* FARADi Tirhose oxaot idantlt 7 


being knovn^by W* 

hae been establistiedA was arrested by the Detroit fb lice Department In 1933* In 
connection with the^ult activities of the TEIIPLS of tSlAM In that city. 

FARAD had been serving a short sentence. He disappeared and has not been heard 
from since 1934* Hie assumed the title of ALLAH and prior to his departure 
deeignated SLIJAH ICIIAIUED at Chicago, Illirjjis, aa the ntr.0PHE**», Temples of 

A %_ ___^ _m.* -A ^ m w** . • i • l ^ « «'Lioii 

Clerelandf Ohio 

■ /- 

^ V 


8 -^ 




■i- .- 4-5 



ca^a*iO file #100-12899- 

411 oembers were told not to register for the dr^t as they ^^roro already 
registered in Mecca** » They were also told that they could not fight la 
the **white man*s war*** but that they should remain to help the Japanese and 
all dark races in their fight for sxipremacy* The organization has had many 
beliefs iddch arc fanatloalj including a belief that Japan has had for many 
years a monster airplane t known to the Moslems as a **ioD^er airplane* » The 
*W)ther airplane* is said to carry 1>000 small airplanes » oach of v^ch carries 
boiiA)s> which will be used against the ^rtiite man* Baoh bomb is said to be such 
aise to penetrate the earth's surf-ce for a distance of one mile, and to 
destroy an area of fifty square miles yrtien It ojqplodes* The Jfcslems have also 
told their p>oopl6 that the Japanese have superior equipment of every kind and 
description* Ifembers of the TEMPIB of 1ST AM attend meetings on Wednesday^ 
?tiday^ and Sunday^ Friday is designated as Holy Day for the Ifosleiw* The 
members of tho orgiiiaatioa are not permitted to eat meat of any klrd) but are 
permitted to oat fish* Members also must undergo frequent periods of fasting^ 
and have been told that one meal per day is sufficient* The women members of 
tha organization vroar long go^ms^ almost touching tha ground* Each woman has 
several gownsj ‘srtiich are of solid red> greenj and white tn color* In addition^ 
the women members also wear turbans irtiich match tha gowns* The women are told 
to keep their heads fully covered at all times* The male members of subject 
organization wear ordinary civilian clothes^ and do not wear costumes of any 
sort* Some of the male members T:ear buttons indicating their membership in the 
TElfPIS of JSX/y* 4*11 members of subject organization have a belief in ALL/JI> 
also Ifr* W* D* FARteD^ and contend that this individual will return to help them 
liberate themselves from the yoke of the white man's rule*^ 



-7 - 


^ r-t* 


y .. 


TkmeMBOivaMA-nD«r {S1B0IT» MlCHlQAJi 



8EO01XVK sstcaat 


- . ■- ‘ r-.s*-, l: ■■ 

■4 ■ -rf-:' , t ** wr'?'' 

h*4 r«ilat«r^ vith lALUOl 
t« rU5 $a 1932 Is 0«ir«it« Miah l ig s» 

ttf tte Vstlcs otf Islas* aIm 

zji-y t '■ ■ 

•tfvltsd FASO hftd insiru«i«4 aft«r rvfis* 
t«rific «ith his that he ihcul4 act 


-... \ * ■■ 



w Hw wmrm m 

I 22 ^£K^ 

^V» BarcM 
-Wt OrtreU 
• DatMlt 


OCT 26 1943 . 



(De 25-8786) 


Subject that h« bad rcflttcred «itb tba liatlon of la 1 m 1a 1932 «ith 

kr. ffiLLACL D. FARDj koo«n ie hla aa ALLAH* Subject stated that FARD bad 
told hla «id other jMsbera of the Hation of lalaa that be bad eoee to Detroit 

4m A-4. 

further related tha^^^^e^ateriaf with FARD the latter had adTlaed hla 
that the naae ehioh aas the name flven Subject at 

the tiae of hla u^^la^acwS^y hie alare aahe, ^Ten hie feallj at the 
tiae ^c7 acre placed in a state of slavery. At the tlae Subject reflatcred 
elth lASJ the latter told hia as sell as all ether individuals nho registered 
ulth hia that Ineiiaich as the/ had registered elth FAR!) and the Hatlon of 
Islam that the/ should xu>t register elth an/ other Govemaent 1n assn oh as 
the/ sere eltissns of the Itatloo of lalaa snd* could serve oul/ cae nation 
and that if they registered sitfa aiv other nation ther aoull not be good 
Moeleas inaeauoh as the/ sould be sttesptlng to senre tso forernaenta at 
the same tlae. Subject etated that he, therefore, had refuaed to register 
for Selective Service Inasaueh as he would be acting in violation of the 
instraotlons he had received froa FAHD to the effect that he should not 
nith wiD^hcr ^ 

At the tiae Subjeet was queatloned he stated that FAHD 
had not i$>eeifieall/ told hla or »/ of the other nssbers of the local tejspls 
of the nation of Isis* not to regiater for Selective Servlee but he had told 
the Subject and the other aaabera not to register for anjthlng with an/ other 
govemaent. Subject also stated that in hie pinion he seed allegianoe only 
to the Hation of lelas and eaa not a dtlaan of the United States. Subject 
further related that In hie opinion the colored people ere otlU alavee 
aflt. ujill/ A the/ are' not regarded so b/ the td^ite pecple of oount!7« 

Be stated that the haais for this ^sinlon was the fact that colored people 
arc, not able to eat, aleap on do aiqthing else In the sane plaoaa with ohite 
people and that vnleoa such praotleea are aboUahed, aolored peoplo are 
still slaves in faet•^ 

Subject, at the tioo he oaa intenrloeed, ataied that 
he did not regard hloaelf as a negro but aa an Aalatla and that if be had 
sufficient ome/ he oeuld like to go back to Asia. Subjeet farther 
related that the lalan religlcD stands for freadon, justice and aqualltj 
and for the furtherance of people in the vcrld and that ha, therefore, 
has no interest in the preeant ear or its euteoate and earea to have nothing 
to do with the ear effoz^ ehataoerer. 

44 4 4^ <LtiU4u4 

^4 ...d 4^ 

him that the gcTerament bad preyided for indlvidLals eho are opposed to 
participation in actual warfare but allosin^ th«s to nake a olaiit for 
deferment as s eozucientloua objector but that Subject stated that he would 

3 - 


AT cHiuiGo, mimis hktroit «« Na 

^OjAI\l-5> Q 

f stAted that at th« tin* h« antarad tha TeapXa 
o£ iBlm 1b 19'J2 I. p^fAUD waa in charga of tha Taapla* Ha atatad that 
FABO is known as tha^^^ophat and alsa as Allah» Ha sdTlsad that FABO pra- 
dietad tha prasent war« stating that Garaanj and tha dark races of tha 
world weald ba filing against all tha whita races sows tine at a futara 
data* Is ta tha oatcoma of tha war, ba pradictad that tha whita races would 
ba beaten do wn and that a dark race would step in and taka eonplata control* 
According tadB|||H|MFARO alsa stated that the na^bars of th^T^j^ of 
Islan would b^^S^^^of f if tha darker races won tha war* 4flHH^^%tatad 
that FAfiO pradictad that in tha war to coma all parsons In the united States 
would ba called upon to raglatar in order that thaj night fight for tha 
United States* FAEO told tha people that inasmuch as thaj wars not cltisans 
of tha United States but eitiians of Islam, thsrs iwul d bs nothing that would 
raqoira than to ^hat fkSD told him 

that whether they should rsgistar or not woild ba a quastioo which each 
indiTidual would haws to daeida in his own mind* Ha alsa adrlaad that FIHD 
told the paepla ta line up with tha darker races Asa tha war comas* 

As ta tha present aetlTltiaa of tha Temple of lelam, 
[adwisad that tha local chapter has about thirtj^flTa aetira mambars 
coa^Srtd with approximatalx eight hundred at one time* Of the prasent 
thtHjf^flTa, approxiaatel/ fourteen are men and tha remainder are women and 
ehildran* Ha stated that for quite aomo time now HAH liOHAhMSD has been 
tha teacher la Uia Temple* Ha danlad enphatleallx that HOHAhUED aver allowed 
the war to ba discussed in tha Temple* Ha also denied that WALI UOHAUUED 

*^^^**^ should net register' 

lM^0t ha used hie oaa Judgasnt in daolding ta register* Ba stated tha* ^ 
if the meatings are strlctlj raligLous maetlhgs* Tha forms of goy r n — n t 
:^aiir'dtisr co untries so d shf questions dealing with tha war haws oa pla<» ir 
^ tiid Tfsq>ls*^^|^^B stated that ho had not heard tha Japanese people 




■astlooad in 


lie since approxinatalj 193J idiaa W* 0* FABO Isft^ the 


' • 4 . 

lOTTHia Mvoirr 

Ott! "■ 

Chlc*aa Cln/o) 

I Q2f Qoirtmorf 

I trSAf Y^ck^oh 


urnriM ifN iiMOir^c O l OCrv . 

EX -55 








_ *I did not register on or sboert April 27# 1942, iffien ths'lav II* S. 

T Aould hsTs, beesuse odT ay religion, Islsa* I hare been advlsodlor 113^, 
tho Alni^l^Sapreae Being, Vr» V. D. Pard, VoHsnnied, not to take snj part in 
vars — not «m a holy ear* To ne, the aet bt registering Is pari of s«r, and this 
la wy i will not register and then applx for oonsideratior as r • 

objeetor.ta _ 





th« of XoUa In t)otrolt« #>ort To^pl* #I it loettllift' 

#2 it In Chletso* fW' t«ld hit folXetrort thti ho etai to 
iiovattr July it W3i. Ht Wtt tuppotod to htyt beon 57 yoort old at ^:- 
,Jub>ei Uti m» hio in 1931 in Cbletco id^n n?X loft «to rotm^ 
U ¥ooeo.* TtiorMftor oUbjoet o«ld ZLUAK POOLE r«n ths Toctplo In hli 
pUoo« V4 

Tho orlslntl inboblttnit of the oorih woro bltdc oeeordlng to 
tho tubjoct* Ibo Coucotlon roe# got ttoriod *throu#^ grofting” porfomod 
O block »clenilst n#a#d TAOOB on th# Ztlond of Potaiot* lACOB tot OB 
Arobtoa oeeordlnf to PAKTf idio itufhl th#to iblnst ot tho Toiplo in Chieoco•^ 

Um oould tom t^on thoy tottld bo orrottod^ |ttt In jtil md oil thoir Utorotor 
UktB tM7*U - 


FD -59 

V » 

/ ' .. * ■ ■ - 

r' • Jf tiprnl l urrcu cf liTurcUijnUon . 

ji ■'" 

Hntt£:t# Siult'B rscpartmrnt of iiu0tlct 
... / Pest Office Box 812 

Chicaco Illinoia . 

. Februar;/ 9, 1943 y 

Director \ ’ / . / * 

■^ederRl Bureau of Investigation ^ 

Wachington, D.C. 


‘-•-,^-.7 ' '• : ALUH TESrPIZ OF_ISIAV;l irra, et! 

■ - • • SEDITTCf,', IKTE-lbAL'S^l^JTY 'J 


Dear Sir: ' ' 




It is requested that a wanted notice be placed in the files of the 
Identification Division against the record of'the following individual; / 

(s) 0 . ; ■ ./ ■> .- 

■Kame. . WALUCE rOfi ARD ^ .iiJ 

Aliases W. D.CTJIRdPaLIJLB 'j J - * ^ 

(or) Local. Registry number 


FBI number 56062^6^ 
r. P. C. ' 

The above individual is wanted for questioning. 

In the event of apprehension of this individual notify the C^'.icago 
Field office. . 



The above individual' may be df^scribed as fellows (not 

number is furniEhsd): 


■ i 


1- Age: 

2- Date of birth; 
5-Place of birth: 

4- Keight; 

5- Weight: 

F Hk -X ^ J ^ 

..... 1 


L E D 6 

9-Co:zpl€xion; i 

^0-t^rl5 t943 


11 -Sex: ; 

/ ELT 

i'ti'^'iQATicm 1 

V mrntTMV 

i _ rr*vi»* 

f . : ' 

/ ■ : 

£ V tJcm 

f'- i iH 

t C, t. 0- rjSTK-E 1 

i ' f • T r> jT '■ i. ' 1 k'- 

13-Occupat ion; ‘ 

14 “Karital status: \ ^ 


Scare, marks, and p&cul iaritiea 
Criminal Record / fes Lii Ko 



Very ti-uly yours, -4^. ./, / }"' 

A ■ / / / J 

> n t A 

• I- - .•■ . 4 . 4 

H ■ :.J U- Vr * *» *■ J 

5ent in Charge 




■V :CLK\ I 


i‘''S fiV.' ^ '.f i,' 

^':::v3 <v rui 

4 ■’ .' f ';■■ ' » 

* *■ ■ 

// • 


' . ; . t 


’ . I- 

4. i 

;e. ^ 

■r A: f 

■ ^ 1 


. ^ 1 

/ ’ 

” A’ ^ 

■ ti i.’i 

^ -:^r A -' ':;^ V " f 

^ . k ' 

Ih I V ■ -- Vt. 

T « 

, ■ ! 

'* i A ^ T-';'' ' ■^; . ;'t^‘ ^ .^:-A v ^ I' -./ a,,;' - '.■=■■ ^ 

rv.^'VA. iL\l * v:j.:; t^-.: r.. c" 

t : , .r r:T ■ ' ! ' 

-'i ■•* ' ^ '■■■■ » i': ^■.■' 

t ' . ■ ■ J - ,w .. ■' -1 ■ J *■ “! ■ u 

L ■ . '-■ * ■'■ ^ ■ - ■ ■*> 

ft.. ■* »• s- . ‘ ^ ^ ^ 

/ r. % M ^ 

.. !■ ^*' ' *•■■-»•*■■ 


.. V. ~ c 

j . 

r - • •'■ 

C' s ^ ;■ 

V ^ . 

■' y 4, 

r • • U. • 't K-s j;!. 

■' , ^ 

: M ? • 

r . • . ► * i - i • 

: ' ’ ■ ' . ■ 'W. • . ' •- * . ' ' ■ ^ 

'i sf J ri ■. .i i' 


(Jhieac*, Zllinois. 
IV««ibOT li« 194ta 


F*d«ral Bureau of Imrootlc&tlM 
luhlAgtoa* D. 0 * 


C aluh tivpls or isuxf 


Doar Sin 

In roipaot to Butmu lottor datod Ootabar IS* 194Z, requeiting 
that a datanilimtioa ba xnda aa ta ahathar or nat thara «aa any eonneetlon 
bataaa n tha tva anbjaat orcaU.aatlaoa, Rm Moariak Taq^la of Salanoa of 
Asarioa la a rallcloua erovp fetmdad by BOBLI BUI ILLX la 19S9. ILLI diad 
la 19M and tha laadarshlp a^^^erauliatla^w^^^^^22L^ CHAHLBf 
KIRDCDf BST vho raaldaa at^im[H||H||||H^^H|H^^^^|^^^PHaadi{uartara 
of tha orsaaliatlaa ara loeatad a^Toa^wTaSE^^^^^^Ii^Hrfa* Tha 
organltatien vaa Inoorparatad uadar tha lawa of tha Stata of Illinola« 

V ♦A . 


aaaw wa - ■ 

-“ P */ 

^ I I »> ll f~ * <1 

BOBibara and fifty six ahaptara laoatad in Tarloaa parta of tha Uni tad Stataa* 
InToatigatian ahova tha nanbara to ba raslatarad for Salaatiaa Sarrloa and 
all maabara dlaolaln any afflllatloa with tha Allah Ta^tla of lalH. 

Inraatlgatlan of tha Uooriah Taapla of Selanoa of Aaoriaa falla to diaoloaa 
any ua-Anorlaan aatiri'^cti 

Thara la* howafrart a Schism within tha orgaaiaatica, a gro;^ 
haadad by JISSB 8HBLBT EL. Chiaago« Zlllaaia* apparantly aa a olandaatlna 
groim of tha Voari. adaordlng ta ObAlLSS KIEJDUl BIT, CUAILSS IIEDIAI BBT _ 

filed an lB.junetiaB againat SEELBT in the Cook Geonty Court on April S, 1934r-; V- - " ** ^ 
to atop all aetirltiaa of SHSLBI'S group* Court action la pending ear th# '£ 

in juDotlea* 




Tha inreatigatlaB failed ta rafladt tha 
in any way an orgeniiar of tha Hoariah Tanpla of Salanoa 

by W. dXi 

'?! 134 :^ 

Ijpraatlgatien ahowa that tha Allah Tanpla 

. .^PAIAS in Uatrolt, Michigaa, in tha early 1950!JU±JSa^SRM^ 

i^araabMita it unkM«a* The org^tatlaa it preaantly headed by ILI JAdd& rw > IJ P > 
who la preaently naader a three year aentanaa far Tlolatla n of t ha Salaa 'liyf.^ . 
Sarrioa Aet at Chiaaga* Zlliaala, and wba la praaaatly Vo~Sa* triad under 
Tialation af tha Sadltloa Aot* Hlthia raaaitt months tha local laadare of 
tha Allah Temple ef lelM here alee been arreated far eredlng tiie SeleetlTe 
Serrloe Act, and the Seditian Statute, Alee, apprexlnately sixty 
fire nnn b ara wa r e arreated in Chleaga and a large relnaa af raaarde 
and litaraturs was aonfi s oa t ad. If 


aiii wiiiMJiiiwie wiys'fiss i isr 


.0 ;j AUG 3 





' FILE NO. 100-9129 







^ SV 

R — 

o CO ^ 


9~ i2y^’ 


C£ I— 

LSDHMiiiED has done most of the talking at meetings ^ 
held between September 11 and September 18, 1942, 
stating that the Japanese are their brothers and 
that the flag of Islam and Japan are simj lar. On 
Septenber 19, 1942, authorized complaints were filed 
before U, 3. Coia!dS3ion^r^|nV2|^^^^^ at Chicago^/ 
Illinoi*, charging 3ubdectWMMMffljOH » u Tin vdth 

Tiilfl 50 (Sedition) and '* 
'Subjsgj^PIH^HHKand UOHUiUED with violation 
of Section 34» Title 50 (Conspiracy^, prior depart- 
mental authwity was obtained by D. S, Attorney, 
Chicago, On same date a search ’Tarrant w=.s ‘obtained 
to search the third floer of 104 East Slat Street, 
Chicago* Illi n ois, the meeting Dl^oeef Subject organ- 
Izatlom. Subjects iJDHlMilED and^HH^were taken 

2©, 1942, 



oustody by Barman agents on 

App, and 

tyQS fi ip t e ybo r 21, 1942, before U, S 

— ■ -/ ... - . J 

, v-^opib 3^-^. 

^ - IndlM^om ^ 
fo /- - T/aohin^oiw D. cp^ 

: iSfjar 

2 -Detroit ^ t**?**t 

2 - New Orlehi« ^"9^^ 


rauic*#^ ^ 

Cr“J^ ^ - 

— y fe a tf i aitf </ ■ > 



The follofWing investigation was conducted by Reporting Igent* 

iiOHiMiED furnished the follovdng information, ’-vMch v^as put in the form of 
a statement. Hovfever, he refused to execute this statement, stating that ,his 
word v/as his bond, although he admitted the truth of the facts contained 
in this statement. 

"Chicago, Illinois 
September 20, 1042 

’I, Elijah Laohommed 


|eiy ji 

10 hav^^^entiSe^tneSeWe^t^m^a^sp^ial agents oi 
le !*'eae3fal ’^reau of Investigation, U. S. Department of Justice; 
No threats or promises have been made to me of any kind and I 
realize that what I say here may be used a:j‘ me; ^ 

"I was born in Sanderville, jeorgia in the year li?7. I have 
never kno'vn the exact day or month of my birth because my mother 
■jas not able to remember it. iiy grandparents jworked as slaves 
for a white family bj'" the name of Poole near ^mdarville, Georgia, 
and in my early life I \ns knovm as Elijah Poole. I attended 
school at Cordele, .'leorgia but went only through the fourth 
grade, iftcr leaving school I worked on my father's farm until 
1919. In 1919 I was married to Clira Evans at Cordele, 9eorgia. 

From 1919 to 1923 I worked on a section gang for the Georgia and 
Southern Railroad at Uacon, Georgia. L( 

In 1923 my wife and our t-.vo children went to Detroit, Lichigan 
and from that year on, to 1929, I iTorked for various companies 
in that city, including the Detroit Copper Company, the Vmerican 
Tjut Company, Briggs Body and the Chevrolet ixle Comoany. In the 
latter part of 1929, due to the depression, I was out of work but 
remained in Detroit, /round the year 1930 while in Detroit I — 
heard of a religion ^lled Islam which was being taught by a 
man named i.allacM^ard, iioh.immed, v/ho is 'Lllah. illah conducted 
meetings it variousvhalls in Detroit from 1930 to May of 1933 and 
usually h .d about 700 or 800 persons at these meetings. These 
meetings ware held at various halls in the city of Detroit, the 
last of them being located at 3408 Hastings Street. The capacity 
of this hall was about 400 people so there were two meetings held 
to accomodate the ovcrflov/. i attended one of these meetings some 
time in the year 1931 and .lllah was present and taught hii^religion^^ 

- 11 - 


v/hich wis called Islora. Shortly after tl is .11 ■’.h came to my 
house "Imost doily ind taught me about Islam and then continued 
coming to ray home loss frequently for a ocriod of 15 months 
thereafter until Liay 26, 1933 vdacn the Detroit Police Department 
forC’wd him to leav'., the city.|^ 

"I remained in Detroit and continued teaching Islam at various 
meetings from 1933 to September of I034 ’'daen because of pressure 
from the Detroit Police Department I left the city and c.arac to 
Chicago. The lest time I srr .11 :h n'ps in Chicago in 1934 and 
I do not knov.” r/hcre he is at present. ’u^ 

’’'.'.'hen ,llah first came to my home in Detroit in 1931 he s iid that 
he ’.VIS iaahadioh (phonetic) and that he ’.vas '.llih v.'ho everyone 
exoected to come t'<7o thousand years after Christ v;ho *.vas crucified 
-,t JcTusclen. .t this time ;llah ^ave me the n:ime ijohonmed, i/iiich 
I have used ever since. L( 

"From 1929 to the present I have had no regular job of any kind. 
Occasionally I v.-ould do odd jobs for one day or so during this 
period. Ho'.vevcr, for the most port for the 1 .st 11 years, my 
family and myself have been taken care 0^ finmcially by the 
Moslems. From 1931 to 1935 I taught Islam in Detroit and Chicago, 
vrom 1935 to the present I have traveled extensively and have 
lived for various o..riods in the folloTving cities* Baltimore, 

' ’.ashington, D.C., Doston, Providence, Neav York, Nev/ark, Hartford, 
Bridgeport, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Clcvcl.ind, Columbus, Dayton, 
Cincinnati and ;tlanta. During this timo my f'anily remained in 
Chicago and they and myself verc supported by volunt'ry contrib- 
utions from the Moslems. The monies vfhich I received all cimc 
from the members of the iuoslcm Temple in Chicago. During the time 
I have traveled about I ongagod in no aotivitios other than the 
study of religion and I was also endeavoring to avoid unknovm 
individuals v;ho I understood were trying to take my life, I 
also visited Moslem Temples in Philadelphia, K.a/ark, Hartford, 
Columbus, B.dtimore and ’Vashington, D. C. It is my understanding 
th^t thC'ro art." more than 35,000 over the United Btet-s 
and about 400 or 500 in the city of Chicigo^^ 

"In order to clarify Islam and its teachings, I desire- to set out 
the folloDlng information? ^ 

- 12 - 


and one v/as disraissed after arraignment. It is likely that tvro more T-'dll 
be dismissed before presentment to the Grand Jurj^. *.11 have been questioned 
and an attempt made to obtain sl;;ned statements. Hov/ever, most of them 
refused to e*xecute a statement, stating that their word is their bond. 
Sixty-three have pleaded giiilt5'' aqd admitted not registering for Selective '' 
Service. ’aas questioned concerning his connection v/ith Subject 

organization and his activities and gave the folloTrlnE information, how- 
ever, he refused to sign the follo'' statement; 

"Chicago, Illinois 
September 20, 1942 

I make the follo'.-dng statement td 

10 lienor; is a loeciil \gent of the Fedenl Pureau of 
Tnvesti jation. No force, violence, duress, threats of any kind 
or aromises have been made to me to secure this statement. 

"I 'vas born at 
un -.ble to give the exac 

nQ; birth occurred. I was born under the n^jne o 
parents HSIJRY and ELIZ\ are now dead. I receivesnsy ear. 
at the pi mo mf my birth and came to Chic. go sometime in’ 1926.' 
Sometime in 1934 I met V.' . D. F'.RR .RD whoi taught me some of the 
principles of Islam. ' 

I am 
d when 
liy both 

"I hav“ learned from him th t. my p :rents were Isl -ms and I was 
happy to know this. I felt that this v/:.s the only religion that 
follows my creed. I know that 'V. D. FFRR'.RD is gohinmed who is 
-.llih and that \.llah is the supreme being who holds the power of 
life in his right hand bee .usd all things are ri^^t. 

"I have introduced ’V. F. 4-UCr^KUCK as i;ohamiiied and .^ohoniined i» 

'.11 ah. lllah has taught me that all religion is peace j that there 
must be no juns* clubs, knives or instruments of lllah taught 
me and others not to register. I will not re gist ar for the' draft 
or for anything else because I have already registered ivith Ulah 
and having once registered with '.llah I cannot register again, , 

"Because of our teachings Ulah has told us that we should not 
register for the Selective Service- because that vrould be making 
ourselves available for war urtien cur true religion is peace. 

- 16 - 

” ,11'ih has taught me that I am free- — free from Christianity. '.11th 

has t"'.ught me th .t I am not an ‘.merican Negro but that I am the 
original man. He has taught me th it I am not a citizen of the United 
States but a citi 2 on of Heaven. Liy home is not in 'Arkansas but is in 
Heaven and I wish to return there as soon as I possibly can, 

"Ulah has t’ught me that the Christiin God cannot be seen, ^llah 
is the living God on c'Crth. 

"I have on several occ ;sions in the Isl'-m tcraolc- introduced le UCK ...UCK 
as the Savior or the supreme being because he is the creator of all 
things >.nd God is V . D. 

■'On the blackboard I have scan a picture of an jacricjan flag vfith 
a colored man hanging underneath it; although it h'^s never been 
explained to me the meaning I do Ipao’.; that the hanging means death. 

I have also seen the flag of Isl m vdiich consists of the sun, the 
moon and th= stars but its true me nings has not been axol'^inod to 
me. I have also seen on the blackboard ' picture of a wheel or an 
object resembling a wheel with bombs dropping on the earth beneath 
ind airplanes flying. I believe thit this is to depict what the 
other mm is going to do so that we ’.rill know what the other man 
intends vfhen he comes aa dnst us. 

^ I 

”If anyone were to ask mo about the 5alectivc Service I would tell 
him what '.llah h '.s told me and tell that person that T vrould not 
register for the Selective Service. I cannot say what that person 
would do after receiving this inform 'tion. 

” dth respect to the registration for the Selective Service, I co\ild 
not register because having previously been registered with .llah 
I would be disobeying him by registering and to be a true hoslem 
I obey .llah and do vj'hatever he asks me to. 

'ffooden rifles in the temple are used to drill vdth md th^ puroose 
of the drill is to Imow v/hat the other man’s acts are going to be. 

I have not registered for the Selective Service and I do not have a 
.Selective Service registration card. 

"I have read the above statement consisting of two pages and know 
the same to be true to the best of my Icnoivledgc , information and 

- 17 - 


Placit peoplt only have slave names 
and write these letters in onl er to obtain their orisinal naaes. 
ttese letters arc^^BHm awaiting the return of T* D» FUffii 
who is iillah. Ko ori^nal names have been ;|lven out since \llah left 
the City of Chicago in 1934. Pending his return those whose letters 
have been approved are allowed to use their first naaes and then the 
letter *X». 



sons interviened were questioned concerning the Tihereabouts of 

irhom the Uosleos consider to be Jlllah, but all stated that FARD 
t seen in Chicago in 1934 and has not been eeen or heard from since.*|^ 


P B 1? D I K 0 



' T 


^ nd« orifliuted at CRICAOO, ni< 

m» lo« iOO-9129 

l^>ort «cds St 

Chioago, 0.XifKiija 

8 AS- 2 S/W 

Xop(Tt m«de 

SEDlTlDIf f * 

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Ion? talk *1!? talkod abodt ths parable than nade a 

xopg xa^ ^bout Mh6 »on of man Xfhc had cooa frca tho east This of 

£f.^ "“* ”• *• »>'s »on of am ha «e roforrtno t= 

• 5SS gT ”^ TOj^p«.on.yri„ tha Holy land of !toceo to 

wntionea;, m oano by himself because be na« »H Dowarful anrf'hyir? 

poaer of tho md«rso la M< right hand. 

CMcaslana, Kaoy prerlously cono^^ 

tUe^te davil is a 

mn enJ dr^!! ^ devil has been grafted fron tJae Miu^y 

«trength the black sen has. the devil e«?t 

dsvS^id^*r#? ^ ^ destroy tbs 

. man p^ and happiness, -joi those no? 

»Si Uoslans will be destroyed and there sill be no 

«on for th«a. The meeting broke «p sbartly before 4 o»cl^^ i ‘ 

'<■ - 

.■ ■ f 

t- ..* 4 

. A, 

^ A. ' ^ 

# ^ 

1 -C. 

♦ a ^ ^ 

V- :. 

"^yr' ■■ ' 

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■* V t. 


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* ■ St # - s 

. ■ :^ft* 





Confidential Informant J||^|vfumished the foUowliig report 
concerning the meeting o^subject organization held Aug ust 23, 
1942* The mfeeting started with the customary cal'i, to atleh’Cidn 
and opening prayer said by the preacher and repeated by thoae 
in the audience. Announcement was made that the minister was 
late today, but that the members would carry on in his ahsance 
until he came. Follctwing that various persons spoke eii^her frem 
the floor or from the stage and invariably praised Allah and his 
gooJness. One of the speakers, a man, stated, give us freedom, 
justice, and equality, or give us death. If you can't give us 
that let us alone as we are determined to carry on regardless of 
cost* Be careful of how you speak and how you act. Be 105^ care- 
ful, as what will hurt me physically or mentally, -(Till hurt my 
sister and brother. , 

Another speaker stated that the term "muck-muck” me is "high 
praise" and apparent^-y is one of the usual surnames used by the 
Moslems, One of the male speakers gave a talk lasting for 
about 35 minutes concerning the ceming of the Son of Man* He 
stated that the Son of Man would rise in the East and come to 
the "Sest and rill teach wisdom to the Moslems. He called the 
Bible tha poison book. 

W, also known as'^i^ck-lfcck'* apparently is the Son 

of Man- who is now in the East in 'the Holy City of Mecca, which 
is heaven. The only heayen there is^ is Mecca, This Son of Jfen 
came to the wilderness of North America by himself, because he 
was all powerful. He held the power of the universe in his right 
hand. The Son of Man came for the deliverance of the lost tribe 
of Islam, and not to serve the Caucasian as the white man is the 
devil. This devil has had streams of prophets who have been un- 
able to reform him, and that is why he must be killed, and we 
Moslems roust kill him'. The devil is a snake and there are no 
good devils. The white man was grafted frem the black man, which 
took 600 years. The irtiite man is weak and cannot do right. Tho 
righteous nature is not within him. He is the devil. The devil 
has been given power to build, but the duty of the Son of Man is 
to destroy him and give you peace and happiness, lii a few days 
Allah h?jnsclf will shine in the wilderness of North America# 'To 
have 'oecn lost in a land of ovildoing by a race designed to wipe 
out the original black men and women* Have patience ae the Sm 
of Man will be here- soon. A Moslem is one who has found peace 
with Allah, and his fellow man. The Moslems are in the vrar but 
not of the war. The now w 2 a* is to ctaae and it vd.ll burst forth 
all of a sudden* Let us enjoy peace and happiness now and have 
patience, m 

- 17 - 

I ‘ . '< .A'J I ■ ‘ ■ . ' ’''f> 




■ 1 


eonceming the loaders and actiTlties of subject orgaiizatiGn*\t 

TTiU ascertain the identity arid eonnecticn if any -with 
subject origan Isa ti on of the foUc 

77111 exhibit their photographs to iritnesses idio have 
seen the Japanese at the temple of subject organisation .tl 

^ TTill report the further results of the nsil cover.Ai 

Tt m Photograph of T7. D. FARAD to 

or not Fi\RAD and BEAMAN are. identical*'' ^ 
at 6026 Vernon Street, irtuch is said to be 

_lno irhether 
ithe praaises 

of 77. D* FAHi‘Di M 

Will maintain a surreiUance of 104 East Slst S^oet at the 
tine of the ineetings there to ascertain whether car not any Japanese 
attend these meetings. ^ 

* Win a-^ tempt -to ascertain the identity of these Japanese. 

* Will identify the persoffis residing at ^6026 Vernon Awenue^ 
Chicago, as believed these premises are occupied oy members of the 
organization and arc possible Selective Service yi.olators* m 

* Will cansid;ir the ad7is.ibility of obtaining a search warrant 

to obtain the monbership records of which are 

reported to be in the possessicoi U 

WjH determine the identity, at-tivity and background of 

* Win a-wait the decisicn of the depar*'-nient relative to 

prosecution. U 


- 28 - 


4 - 






w - 




poviOQ won 





u ? 

i % ' 

* ;■*»? 



Subject org^nizatiOD oonprlsed of about 200 colcored 
people irtio oeet at the Temple of Islea^ 1X>4 S. 51et 
St.j Chicago^ Wednesday and Flriday ereulngs at 7 P*)l« 
and Sunday afternoons at 2 P.M. Local leader Is IBT 
KAHRI^j Secretary, FAULENS BIHAR. W. re- 

i to be In Hsoca as a etperior belz^of the - 
aation. An unAnon Japanese Introduced ae 
OK, has attended at least one meeting, at 
spoke for about two hours. Be, KARRIEEU and 
Other negros have Instructed the meoibers that the 
efaLte man is a devil and the oppressor of the eolved 
race. The colored people need not pay any attentisn 
to Us laws, mith particular reference to Selective 
Service. AH DaD-idiite people belong to the sane 
race and should stick together. The ear mill soon 
be von by the Japanese aivd than the colored people 
mill taka their true place In thia morld. Altaic is ' 
the Qod of the eolcred race. Bisre is no beaveo 
except on earth. Maobers are regLstered in liscoa 
and obtained their l^ee names from that place, 
bare are not allomed to snoke, drink or carry a 
meapon. Women mear long robes, reaching to the anklea^ 
and bead coverings idiich ccaplately covar the head.^ 

O . 

-F- ; 

■ " 4'.'' 

mli«^W?«Cja| SEBinGN, "Mic%VE" Gfalcago f 11« soite 



Rafttrence raport furnlahes a background of Subject cr^nisation, together aith 
ite aetlTitlea; indicatas that the or^niaation ssata at 104 Sast 51st Street, 
ChLeago, lULnals, on the third floor, Wednesday and Ariday evenings at 7 P.M. 
and Sundays at 2 P.U* The ■Supreme Bgl-ngs of the organisation, ¥• D. PARAD, la 
reported to be In liacca. I£S KAHRIEEU is the local leader and his exact 

'fTS whereabouts are unknown. PAUUKE BAKARie the Secretary of the organ! sail co 
- and bar addreaa ie 3735 Wentworth Avenoe, ChLoago. \4 

' 1 


«* •J' 

JclMd the HosXm TanpXe in 1^3* Tbo sltiieter then wee 
A iddoirer* Ee nas auccaeded In about 1935 hj ISi 
MRRiBf ; abo Is the present ■inlster* ^ MsetL&gs are held Wednesday 
and ftldays at 7 P Jt. and on Sundqr at 2 F.H* at the Iteple of Islan 
>d llocr of 1C4 East 51st Chi os go.. W. B. FiKAB is ths Stipre&s Being 
and head of tbs orgaoisation. Hs is in the Bo3j- of Mecca« and 

eaa last seen hr me in Chicago in 1932 or 1933. PAUUBE 

etfe of KiRRIBt i s the Secretar/ of the Chicago crgsnisaliai. Th ere 
are about 200 or 300 neshers at the present tins.* 

*Z an a Tsteraii oif tha ^st Ibrld War, but did' not register 
for SelectlTe Serrlce because of the teacfalngB of W. B. FARAD as 
eKplained I37 lEK KIRRIEM * 

* '■Bk. 

^ ■ 



- 17 - 









mJinA y^Vk ^ o «»a'^ rl ^ r\ Wa 4 Via 1T\ T?AT3A fj 

OWJiWW^ WfA4j^\^ta. 0«L^V4. W I/D V40D «V*UhL D ^ W4. n# J/« 

IK. 11 make an 

of H. D. farad 
to determine whether 
le premises at 6026 

^ Will ttaintain a surveillance of 104 East 51st Street at the time 

of the meetings there to ascertain whether cr not ai^ Japanese attend these ''' 

meetings, U ' 

Will attempt to ascertain the idsntilF Of these »^apanese. U 

Will identify the persons residing at ^6026 Vernon AVenue, Giucago, 
as believed these premises are occu^ed by membs'S of the organization and 
are possible Selective Service violators* ti 

Will consider the advisability of obtaining a search warrant to 

i^'K4’ fi-? v-v +ViA vtiArrJ^ AV«v>Vi-t n v*Ar*Av*rle Ka #vi» rwv wB'Vi-1 aK niTiA v-^r^nr* 4r_/^ Via 

uxa^ usouA/c-^ a. wxjd via ulL' vyaa^ vTaw-wi.! aa v a vcivi w 

in the possession ^^ |||||||||||[|||||||||||^ VA 

Will determine the identity, activity and background of j 

Will await the decision of the department relative to prosecution* ^ 


- 22 - 


: 4- 

4;. ■ .r. *1/ ' ■!?: ^ 

■If «v 

- --f'- 

9tiiUib Btate* department of luatire 

Detroit, Uichlgan 
August 7 - 1%2 

. Vf 7 

• . *y» 

-s. ■•* ■'■ 

• «.-. ■i ••# , . 

J ■ -.. ' 


Federal Bureau of Investigation 
t&iited States Department of Justice 
Washington, D. C. 

Re: GULAU ^BOGANS, idth aliases, et al. 

■* , i i 

nmmr Sir: 

Z -r 

jr ^ 

-r. - 

r-" "W"- ' 

-<T ^ TE 

Kindly^ furnish the known criminal record of the following: 




Approximate date Pin- 
City, Police gerprints forwarded 

f Arrest, or Other Federal Bureau of In- Classifica- 

Wame (inc. atiaeeB) Humher. ^ vestigation 

T~~To\:z~^ 7 


with aliases 


«1U a 

Pd?d,^. dJ 


nji rpowotf 



.,^+y». w(ir •• i.i “ 

,, V- ■- '-►r' •■• “■- .» 

“V^ ■' .1 , 

t-; ft. .a ■ 

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1 . 






to ail^ W 4 40 4n 

V nuagftfpf^KM. 

'^w^erimrw.TKMi IV 
aa etf AiTsiin sfiMfitf N 

i ^ b 


“TT^,' I 

- 6s? 0 - 1 







10V5549 5 


5 0 WG 20 lO^^EREi; J3,Ui;CLA?SlflED ^ , V ■ 

, --»to . , ^ 

•■ ■■ t v‘ 

■> . :? 

■ 1' ^'--l ■<; vj? V ■’ 

•':■■• 1ft 

s^ f yj'‘» A ^ BBHB AP p> ; ■ t g S t B 0 A t T 0 1 ^ 

yr .. ■■' .’a' '> ■*^- ‘''-i'- 'J .'’’ j. "* '" ^ . ■: ,. •-■'>■ ' * -'^•- ■•iiatS'.i ,'■■ ' j*+ •■ -.'-^vtb- -, - 

Thlg ctX orl^nated at HASHINGTOH, P. C« 

DETBOIT File 1fc>. 100-55U9 • 

PATVHtofL nn H* af. 1 t\Af.a iftftdii 

»W V aMH '»'W W W ' ■ V ■ » w mm m 

DBTROIT, tlCHIGiar | g/6/42 


6/10* U,lV 


VacIa by /fft’ 


«G0liUi BOGAHSj with aliasea. at al« 

-:,v.*.- .:- -- r:. -■■• ..' . ' • - . . . , 

Character , -; ;_,.--.,y. ■ 


^iXffCTtt SKBVOT, - . 

^ H. A.JI,. , jpj . .y,> X.- ^V* A- ~ > ■‘‘ * i 

y^r* ; 

' 4 . 

.’*•'5 •'. ,1 

.-; - ■ ;. ^ ■; » ,? . 

C^^>, DetToltf fcunde/^ 1911 M W. ^ 

), known as ttALUCE DOHfflRD, W. D^AH>» 

I, liio left Detroit m 1934* pr^ent 
»ss unknown. He has FBI Ho. 560^. Reoorde 
Indieate gro\q) has asidjershlp of ippraxlnstel/ 

TOO in 1934* but iseetings prssei±ljr STerage 
froB 30 to 35. Regulations proride for captalos* 

•ecreteries, Investigators, stinlsters* studnit ' / 

ainisters* teachers and treasurers* bub not so ^ 
orgmlxed at Detroit. Teachings are ataoxA 
freedoffi. Justice and equalitj’. Ho Besft>er is 
sllowed to etsDlce. drink, attsnd Bovles or carry ^ ^ ^ 

any sort of weapon. Ho Banber allowed to f 
under any eirouastaneea and so aeabers Fsfuse 
to register under the Seleotiwe Service Act; 4rv> 

Gbs Bwtoer of Detroit group registered but is 
presently unclassified. 1fesi>ers clain registri* ^ 

fteeilnps* Frlited teaehlnge pad prdbleaS *v>dle4 ' 
fey the group indicate the idiite nan aa the devil 
and that tbs law of Allah la suprsne to anF 
law* Ho indlcalloii of .Apanese Influenoe 
toit^H :>v;«-e ,.; 

^ .* . '.l;v '-A ^-^r,- *'••-? ‘ 

■, - ' - ' ■ - 4 ,: . - - .-*;V »■ 

■• ., , -. . !;•■>-; ■;*:• *» '-'-i'.v®-- ■'i 

. ■ 

. a- 

1 Vii' ^ 

. V - ' />- .,*•'* 'yj! 

V . . ^ : 

* At. .Jf' ' •❖.ri. 

^TH _A. — A A. ^ A ^ ^ m a\ 

y^,.. iiJJ 9 JJJ^^^yj 


:yT ->•.■ •'•*■ ‘-T ;->v i':"' ,‘'V Y -i':-: ./‘‘-v .> ->■' ^1 vf't-J '• 

. 1 ";■/ ■, 

.■>V^^V'* ■ 

>^;?‘4r‘ 'mH^' 

. r-i V -- ' . 


The teachlngB of the Unlrersltj of lelaa and the atodiea 
ducted at the regular worshipful Beatings of the IsLaia group, which meetings 

^ e«k«> V *iP%y 4 V«* 4 ^«v wik 4 *MtmTA ■#. 

dj.^ lld&u dx vesgii^^wn axaw. w»a«tfU.x^xa^ dxxu x g'x.sAca^ wwvia^j.i^w w vewv Awi^xrw w ->w 

623 Itedbury Street, Detroit, Instruot that the black race, which la waved and 
which affiliates itself with the Ifosleai Religion, is known es *The Aslatie 
Blacks* or the "liost found Nation of Islaja.* The teachings Indicate that thaoe 
Asiatic Blacks are the chosen people and that they and their religion art *' '' 
atQ)erLor to any other person or aity othar religion, According to the beliefs oC 
the lalaa Group, the black man had hla first contact with the devil when be was 
brought to this country as a slave. The slave r.SBa whirfi was givsn te hi* at 
that tiine Is not his true nans and his true nans can only be fbwd Ott the rOU - 

sw# At T All I/ajwss* Wa am1 w w«w a Via 4*w44tr1 ^A»t ^4iv4 h4a A.TnM MtM i« hMtm .. 

wx atlAXmx aw mu7\^wa • xuv wwi_L^ wi>« ju au ^ w vwaaa * smw w» w -w^ 

come affiliated with the Islam Group and be a sincere belierrer therein and * ' 

. stake written ^pUeaticm for knowle^e ae to his true name to W. D, PARD, lito ; 
is ALZAH. At the present time, Inaemuch as the present whereabouts of AIIAH 
la unknown, the written applications are being received at the Techie and 
. reserved for action by ALIAH tq)on his return to Detroit, || 

The entire AsnAtership of the Detroit group at the prEisent tlnsi 
with the exception of teiy minor children, becaae affiliated with the grt »9 

IwfvoAn no'll Mnd lO'U. _ »•’. whifh H ma U. 11. WAWH Ml* In 1Wt4:T<nltL fingnn 4,. 1nw and 

WSW«WV«S WMa<w WWWF — ^-.A-PWW -w w w ^ w— or—' ■ ■ — ■** ' 

actively leading ths groi^i. They are s semi^lUiteraie group, wnabls tO 

understand the written inatruetlons and teachings furnished them by T* D« TABP 

and consequently their teachings conoem themaelvea largely with furnishing 
the children the eaeontials es to reading, writing aM figuring. Tbs teai^lngs 
end the studies oonductsd in the aeetinga of ths Islaa Groiginargely ooocem 
theKselves with ttu» studf^ Justice, equality and freod^ teUswe t&^ 
the black man will be liberated through Qie Xalem EellgleQ* They (a^oh that 
the Islam Religion la the auprene 'religion, and that a true Voelen on reoo «4 

sA Ifaees tiimiish wf/i1 teflon with the wrous la subieet onlv ts tha la* 0^ 

■ ■ ■idt 

AIIAH* In ease a Bamber of ths Zala* Group violates a law of the group, 
aeeuaations are made against hi* \ij other mdabera of the group end a general 
dlsoussion held In idiioh accusations can be levied against hi* and he can nako 
mswer. Any medbsr of the group Im free to apeak during these baarlngt and 4 p 
eoepresa hla opinions as any aedbor is also free to speak at any time during 
the teachings of the lessons of tha group. It the neober la found 
▼loletod his law, he can receive one of two punishments, Be can p» plaeod ; 

Claes F for a certain etatad jperlod of time, -eud» as 30# ,60 or 
•eans that he is than sen&ratod fro* the sroun for that oerlod cdlioM, or httx 
can be placed in Class G for a ceztaln stated period of time# whldijneanB thsA 
hs hBs to clean the Tompla during that time. Once s mej^r is pSased In Class, 

,? ho oan only return to. the group om written application and ^reeamclt by the 
members that ha has redeifed sufficient punishei^, Jfritie&t^ mads «||^|^ 

the oaeee brought before tha grdnp and tfaoee notes’ aicu ocaatained'SB • boo^ 




(Detroit file 100-5549) 

. . .1 

aXi Sunaay aitemoon to attena meetings regularly and in addition to this 
many of them are giving up time to instruct at the University of Islam, 

Any member found to be violating any of the moral restrictions placed on 
members or violating any of the lews of the laws of the civil government which 
entail moral actions, are separated from the group and if the offense is bad 
enough the separation may be for as long as a year. After separation the 
member of course must re-establish his good faith with the organisation or he 
will not be allowed to rejoin, V 

^ Vi *1 e + V + V.^ TTf» 

i. ^11 Cl liA w W W A a.1. V A -k W 

Michigan against WALLI MOHAl'fliED on two counts: first, charging him with failure 

to register for Selective Service; second, concealing, aiding and abetting 
others of draft age to evade registering for service. The matter of the 
prosectulon of WALLI I'OHAMED is being carried in Detroit file 25-3670, in the 
case entitled •'"^ALLI MOHAMMED, VfITH ALI/iSES, ET AL." Upon removal to this 
district, TA'iLLI MOHAMfiED will be interviewed in detail as to his leadership 
of the organization in Detroit and as to the possible concealing, aiding and 
abetting of other members of the group of draft age to evade Selective Service 
bv refusine to register. Prosecutive action will be renorted in Detroit File 
25 - 3670 . " 

The facts will be developed as to the registration or non- 
registration of the other male members of the Islam group in Detroit who were 
not present at the meeting on May 15, 1942, and in the event it is ascertained 
that these men have failed to register as required by law, the facts will be 
presented to the aporopriate United States Attorney for his opinion as to 
prosecution. In the event such cases are developed, separate files will be 
opened in this district. 

All of the individuals interviewed arc of peaceful temperament 
end insist that they are only interested in living a good clean life so that 
they vdll be saved by AUAH upon death, u 

A check of the records of the Identification Division of the 
Detroit Police Department ^dicates thay ''W lLLACE FARAD, alias FORD, Detroit 
Police Department No. 4513m was arres«d for craiversion and that his FBI 
number is '56062. WALL A CEi^ARAD , aliaij^^ORD, is identical with W. D. FARAD, 
alias ALLAH, y 

Photographs of W. D, F/iRAD were obtained and one copy is being 
forwarded as an enclosure to each office receiving copies of this report. 

A photograph was made of the Islam Flag which was in the 
meeting room of the Temple at 623 Uedbury Street, and a copy of that photo- 
graph is being forwarded as an enclosure with a copy of this report to each 
office, V( '■ T ^ ' 

- 33 - 


■' r. 

■ ^ ;> 

•■ '^•v J+ 

(Detroit file 100-55^^9) 

• '■■■';- 4V- " ’ V . 

'■..- ' ‘ '■> -r-t'jf' '■ V 

- . ' - -■■ ,-.-v /"-■ ’■■■‘■■'"v ' 

• ■ a^H-.T;” *: 

,\ • 

• -«‘..r.' r.v - 

IWCLOSURESj to ths bureau and each office receiving copies gf this BEPOar *• . ^ 

niotograph of D. FARAD, with alloaes. || 

,- ' !C^ ~x ■ ■ ;■ 

••*, *•'. ' V .' * ■ 5<’ 'i 


. . ' * ■■ ^■f "V;, 

^ ^ - 1 ~ ,^ V ■ ^ 

' , "’ • ■"■ •■'■ !■ 


' - . 1^ i'f “ . 

»t* Ihai Bate] l^rlod tv , 

'^- *j 

^W lli«SMj^' ttljM : ’•: f 

.-jriC±'v'ait,,---i ^ nsr-'f^. .■*^: ,^. ; ^.^T .,ti' . <S ”-. ,fV'.'-:w-i" 


Aeport ]f»d« 

mBcnvB a^m(M ' ■ 

V . » ^ ' *» - . ■ ■ ^ j f 

;^»UUt .flFw; 4^, la*,f "itothffl? 

« 4 UW 4 «Y$lf‘ i»lil i>* 

' ttet *the eM^m ^eeo co Vnlted StftM 

^ -^m. 'i '* . V 




yuni • " ” 

According to BOGAITS, he married a CLARA"^AJIS ttoa Iflnona, 
Georgia, at Oordele, Georgia, in 1919, and that his fasdly/ consisting 
of his irife, Botiier and father, and the following ohlld^(^ reside at 
6026 Veinon, Chicago, niinoia rJ - , yJ 

jTL / 

ELXj^, JR 

, 20j UOTTIE, 17j SAffiAKiLL, 9.5] V. 
llj WalLACE, 9j^d AKBAR, ^ 

^ j' 

Continuing, subject stated concemlnpAiis background that he 
received cn' education thrcrugh the fourth gradef that he left his hoiae in 
Georgia when about fifteen or sixteen years ydld, doing odd jobs co'ou.'id 
the South. He was inarr led when tncntjr-ona/or twenty-two years old, and 
shortly thereafter he went to Detroit, iw 1923, where he first obtained 
emplqjoiient at the American Nut under the name of ELIJAH K)QLE. 

His next en^loyment, he stated, was with th^ AmSidLcan Copper and Brass 
Conq^any where he, as well as other brothors, Worked froa around 1923 
to 1925* He was next en^loyod at ^e Chevrolet Axle Or aany for a period 
of about Six months, after -^hich time he related he w 6 ni. through various 
stages of uneanploymOTt, and at the same time tras receiving coaponsatioh.^ 

According to BOG^ihS, h first met ALL^K In 1931, and that this ^ 
pers(^ went ty the name of W. D. FARD. W, D. FARD iras known to him as 
rThe/living God", and frm this person he received all his inforoation 
..concerning the Nation of Islam and the Moslem Sect. Oontinuing, BCXi/J’i 
stated that H. D. Fi'iRD had been arrested in Detroit on three different 
occasions "Tor teaching Islam, and that F^iRD wm removed by the authori- 
ties from Detroit csi May 2b, 1933 . ^^^ tostructed BOCirtriS that the 

Moslems 'rero ccbpoSed of the darker races, and that by ragiatehing with 
the Nation of Islam the colored people would be given thetr correct names 
from Mecca, and their slave names would be taken from them. ; fie further 
stated that he has been teaching his followers that Allah has irjtructed 
him that Moslems should not participate In the military KitterA of the 
Ifeiited States since they ^e registered Tdth the Nation of Islam. He 
further stated that he haS advised bis followers in Hashington that be 
had been advised by Allah in a vision early in 1941 l^t a jrar w^uld start 
in 1941 , and that this war would point toward the iktiied Spates . 1 ^^ ' 

BOGfiNS stated that acmetine in 1932, Allah was teaching his 
followers in Detroit that Japan would eventually attack the Gjjlted States, 
and it was About this time that he told him of a mother ship carrying 
fifteen hundred txmibers ctgiable of decoying most of the worli. Allah 
told him that the blueprints of this mother ship have 'been made in the 
holy city of Mecca, and turned over to the Japanese to be developed for\ . 
use against the IJnited States, TShen questioned as to why people not ofjjj^ 

- 9 - 


4i ‘ » 

the colored race were prohibitec' fron attending meetings of the cSrgani- 
zation, BOQriNS advised that they were forbidden by Allah to let other 
than their osn people attend meetings, eince in so doing, they would 
prevent people other than their ■own from doing anything unrighteous at 
the meetinria:^ 

" ‘ilOGy^S further stated that the ^ople of the East werp not 

aware that the colored people wore llvliig here in the wilderness Of North 
.America until approximately sixty years ago, at which time the Japanese 

■iTiCf +.hpi 'tVic+ 

»*s. 4 


tiloy informed the Asiatics that they had brothers' living here In the United 
3tatos who Were enslaved and did not even loiow their right names * BOCU«S 
further stated that the American Flag was designed ^ a dark man fhom the 
South, and that the red of the Flagj which is supposed to stand for Jus- 
tice, gives Justice only to the healthy and wealthy j but the wiiite of the 
American Flag represents the color, of the white man, Which is Impure J 
that the blue cf the Flag stands for trotruthj and that the 'stars repre- 
sent the governors of tho States', •under whom the colored peoj^e have 
been oersecuted.W ■ r 

• ■ V ■■■' ,7, . 

According to BOGaKS, sometime in 1932 or 1933ijS^l’^^'^y 
approached him at the headquarters of the Detroit Temple tmich was 
then located at 340S Hastings Street, and attempted to obtain information 

uie }jhllusu|»^ ux 

wuj IslciLi 

■A M — ^ ^ ^ n J M ■ Ifc 1*1 X 4 Awn A AWMVS 


ing the-nunber of members and tiic purpose cf the organization. He fui':hcr 
stated that he again saw TiiK-JL^SHI at the home of a woman, name unknorm, 

■who at tbftt time resided in North Detroit, when 'he Went to this woman’s 
home to pick up brother viiBCUL UOHiJiliED^ now deceased. at this 

timo again questioned him as to the membership of the organization, as 
well as the 'purposes of the group, and DCXtANS stated that he ad'vised 
ItyKiJuSHL that he was teaching Islam, and that LUGkH.'i2HI hod expressed 
approval cf his teachings. BOG. 1 NS denied ever having entered into ai^ 
■acti'yit-ies in ■conjunction witii litKAHjiSHI, s'tated 'ttiat the above— 
mentioned meeting was the last tine hs had -Sebn'.thls individual.^ > 

■ It was noted that when subject BOGANS was searched at the time 
of his apprehension, there was contained In his wallet a newspaper clip- 
ping dated Juno 2S, at Detroit, sslchigan, entitled, *'Inmigraticn Berviee 
Nabs Japanese Radical"”. 'This article stated^' 

mBuTOHaIA TaKAHtiSHl , . a Japanese niiQ once was accused of organ- 
izing negroes to overthrew the white race of the United States, •was Jailed 
yesterday by Immigration authorities. In the housa where was 

seized, officers said they found a large quanti'^ ^subversive literature, 
TuK4}kSHI Tras charged with reentering the covamSjlfylwr -he. had once been 
d.ported.-;;^J , . .. ^ 

' ..V.". : t, .J \r.: \ ' ' 

- 10 - 




"I have ^ead the dt>ove, coaslstinc of approximately tro 
and I certify It ia true, henrever, I refuse tc sign it, since ay 
ie uy bond. 

^ A 

ff Special A^ent, 

Xnvestigatioti . , •_ 
[, Special Aswtjt 
J^veetlga tion . 

1437 K Street *, 'W,’' 

-Subject BCXliJTS also fumiahed Ihe following additional etat^nen-t^ 
concerning his association vlth the Islam creed 

' •'^faahington, D. C. 

Hay 8, X942. ’ ' ■• 

pllouinc volunta!^'- statement to 
TThom I knoTT to be Special Aconts 
atl^. Nc threats or prociisos have 



t Special Agent 
federal Bureau of investigatiem 
1437 K Street II.. tf. 
iMnctcn. D. 


Hashincton, 0. 

cf the Federal 'Bireau or Inves 

been made to induce giaMLng this statement, ar^ I realise it can "be 
used against me In a court of law, '. / ■ * 

was hrou^t into the Islam Creed in 1931 at Detroit, 16.chi- 
gan* At that time J&llah, <also known tc lae as S. appeared and 

began to -teach ne ^jan, ’ Anong other things, 'he told ab that I naa to 
have no part in fighting or oilitaiy oatters ahatsoevar. I have been 
teaching Xslao since that tias in {Siicagc, Detroit, ulwaukee, and 
Washington, D. C. ‘ ■ ' . ' . 

"1 have been teaching xy foUewera thht Allah has inSti^eted 
me that no rif^teous Moslem will take part in figjating or aiilitaty 
training, since th^ are Teg;^tered with the Kntian of iwidEU.* 

After having read the above, BOGANS apdmitted it lia* true, but 
refused to sign his name, stating that bis word was his bond. 




- 12 - 



- .“i" ■ » ■ 

'Sy teletype dated Hay. 11, 1942, the Detroit, Chicago, llil- 
Traukoe Pi elcl Offices ■Kere advised of the apprehension cf subject BOGiJ^S, 
and information obtained fror.i BOCLiKS ras fuiTiished to these .offices . The 
Detroit Office "was requested to chock tiicf records of the. Detroit Police 
Deporteent as to W. D. F^JiD, end tc furnish any available crininal record 
and photciraphs as well as any infernation as tc- present phere- 

aboutsTu . ' 

By letter dated Hay 9, 1942, the Bureau advised that the crininal 
divlsio^of ttie Departnent had authcriaed prosecuticn cT subjects BOGLiNS 
and imiV under Section II cf the Selective Service Act, 

,Ch Hay 14, 1942, 
and the writer , Intor'H.eTTei 
District Ja: 

^acraed voluntarily “to acocnapany A('entS~~tc the (Ta^ 

:e, .,lhe facts as to piroseeation of, these ‘individuals under 
the Selective Service Act for fai ling;. rei^stor, vore discussed with ‘ 
Assistant United States Attoniey JOHN COl’JtLEFF, trhc advised that in his 
opinion, the proper juriadictiqn in recard to prosecutive action as to 
tiiese individuals •srpuld lie..Jfl,the territory covered bj^ the Detroit and 
HilwaukOG Field Offices.>^ ‘ ’ 

: ■ , ’ . ' , 
the writer ^^telepiicnicaiiy concnmicatod ^th Special icent ip 
Charge O^COTJHOR of tbe Hiiwaukee Office, and Special Ageiit in pharce ' 
Byci;S .of the Detroit Office, bn at vdiich tlcid they were 

advised of the presence of Jbhc this city,'. «id requested, 

inraediately to contact the United State^AttoiTiejrs Ih their respective' 
districts as to prosecution of jUaese individuals .V 

Jy teletype dated Uay 15, 1942, the Hilireakee* Field ^vision 

luthortged co had been, filed in HLlwaukee charging _ 

- 15 - 



At Ahicayo. TlUnolfi. will de 
iTltles. and backcrcmnd o 

It is noted that subject BOGAJJS advised that ToBtfle 
Number 2 is located at the above address, and timt 
there are appro3d,mately 2CC meraberB in this temple • 
The stembership records of the ^^ag^^an^^Are 
reported to be in possession o^^H||^H|||||||^ end 
consideration should be ^ven 

of obtaining a search warrant, with a view to obtain- 
ing information thereby as to possible Selective 
Service violation,^ • 

‘ 6 

Till identify persons presently residing at 1 

/'U.-t T4- 4 B 

' wva -uw-Aii A ^ ^ v aav-' wia v 9-UW^ it^W U 

BOG^IS claims this as hia residence address, and 
it is possible that other persons residing there 
may be members of the organization, and possible 
S^ective Service violators 

ascertain whether liaBIE BOGi'dIS, subject '5 
■ mother, resides at 5^08 South Wabash, Chicago* Iflll, 
if so determiiBed, conduct investigation relative to 


ir OT* m m rf 


. ^ WA Mkm^ 4 — ' ' 

therefrom cohceniiag BOGANS 
IKE DETROIT in-KT.n TTryifiTHH ' ' 


^t. Detroit. Michigan ,, will report iresults. of the 
investigation conducted at Temple .^umber i, located 
at 623 Medbury Street, ’ that city* 



ffili ^Bo report TBsul%s- 'inyostigstion ^ to 
W. D, PaHD, as requested in teletype dated May 11, 
1942.y , . ' . . 


At Nf>w Yrtrk. New Torit t will furnish anr informatlOT 
contained in 'the files of that office conceming . ■ 

'groupe or movements having a philosofhy similar to . 
-that t>f prganigfl.tion ppeamntly active in WaShiixgtesi V 

, .■ r ■, V- :■ „• , , - • . A 


- i 

nmirpAT nTTOa'^TT AT? Tjnrcc*mTn*'t>TniiT 

Form No. 1 

This Case Originated At WASHINGTON, D. C. 

File No. 100-6989 

Report Made At 

Date Made 


5/14-17, 26,27,29; 



6/1-5, 9/42 

Report Made By 


GUIAN^BOGANS, with aliases; 
Mohanms dr^ia s s oull^Black Moses j 
■yrith aliasas. 

j^+ <-iv» i*v ^ 

ChV« VJJ. VyCfcOQ 


Synopsis of Facts: 

, j 

Numerous colored organizations very active 
in this district as muslems'and moslems. 

These organizations reported to be pro- 
Japanese and leaders instruct their members 
not to register for Selective Service, due _ 
to the fact that this is a white man's war 
and that they were registered with their God 
Allah. Members very fanatic and loyal to 
organization but know little regarding their, 
leaders. People in colored neighborhood know 
little about organizations and their activi- 
ties, but are of tho opinion that they will 
be a source of trouble in the near future. 

T A ^ rt-f* + Vi j-> n X Jt n J X 1-^ ^ 

AJwuvi^A w WJ. xuuo \JX JUi UiiXo 

city not definitely known. Members of organ- 
izations are made keenly aware of racial 
hatred existing botweon the white and colored 
races. Several colored informants have been 
developed by this office and effort is being 
made to obtain a more complete picture of 
local activities and leaders of colorod or- 
ganizations, to definitely ascertain if they 
are making seditious statements and instruct- 
ing their members not to register for 
Selective Service, i( 





'S - Washington 1/^^'ckson (Inf.) 
2 - Detroit r/ 

1 -• W’rt’ur V^wilr / -r-v \ 

— J.W4.XV 

1 1 - Milwaukee (Inf. ) 

4 - Chi. - - - - 

C OPY IN h'ii 

ICO ' \ 6 



[| iJ ^ L 


N.-' ■ 




Report of Special Agent 

April Z, 1942 at Washin^on, D. C 



The reference report sets forth that thefmos-lem organization consist- 
ing of colored people was very active in this cixy and had their headcmart- 
ers at 104 East 51st Street, This report also set forth that PAULINE ^AHAR 
was reputed to be the Secretary of this organization inasmuch as her nEuae is 
signed to communications emanating from the above address, 

A teletype was received from the Washington Field Division on May 11, 
1942 setting forth that the subject of this case had been apprehended on 
liay 8, 1942. This teletype also sot forth that the Chicago temple of the 
mosleias organization was located at 104 East 51st Street, and the records 
of the group were in the possession of PAULINE BAHAR at the above address. 

It was also ascertained ty 'the Washington Field DivisioiL tjadt the organiza- 
tion was founded in 1931 at Detroit, I-lichlgan, by W. D.xJ'aRD, who is described 
as follcnrej 




S' 6" 


135 lbs 







FARD was reported to have bc-on arrested on three occasions in Detroit 
for teaching Islam. It was also learned that there are approximately 200 mem- 
bers in Chicago of this organization. 

A teletype received from the May 19, 1942 

set forth that a complaint was filed charging failure 

<to register for Selective Service. A search warrffl^^^^^ined and the 
|lslam Temple in Milwaukee was searched. The records taken from that templo 
set forth that the temple in this city was probably located at 104 East 51st 
Street, which is the address of W. F.lUilOHAifllED who is called "The /^ophet". 

The records at the temple also reflected that W. D. FARD v.'-as reported to bc^ j 
the PAllah" of Islam and in all probability -could be located at 6026 Vernon"^ ^ 
Street, Chicago, Illinois. The following addresses are of the Chicago broth-j* 
ers and sisters writing to the Mllvravikeo organization: n '» 

CUilLlAlOHAifTMSD, 5306 South Wabash Avenue, 

KATIeI ilAJIED and TAMAR /HASZIES, 3668 Michigan Avenue 
MRS. PAULINE BAH;\R and VIOLaIkARRIEM, 3735 Wentworth Avenue 



IDELL X., 423 East 45th Place. H 


On May 16, 1942 a teletype Tiras received from the Detroit Field Divi- 
sion setting forth that a raid had been conducted on the temple of the Islams 
and that they had taken six men and five women into custody for questioning. 

The agents l^rned from the questioning of the members of that group that 
ViTALLACE DON^ARDj known as Allah, organized this group in 1931 but had left 
Detroit inW954, and the members did not know is present address. It was 
also set forth in the teletj'pe that the teachings and discussions of tliis 
group ace of freedom, justice and quality. No member is allowed to smoke, I 
drink, or carry any sort of weapon. They also advised that there vras no 
Japanese influence apparent in Detroit. Those members also stated that 
registration under the Selective Service Act v/as "contrary to the lav; of Al- 
lah but also denied that discussions of the group ever concerned registration 
and that no memb-ar is counseled or advised to register, but that each one de- 
cides for himself. The men v;ho were intervie".Tcd had fail-jd to register' for 
Selective Service, It was also set forth that a picture of the moslom flag 
and of W. D. FAHD had been obtained fyom the Detroit temple, 

A letter was received froml-^e San Antonio Field Division dated May 25, 
1942 y;hich set forth that IIOHi'iMIliJliWoSOULL had recently organized a school 
known as thevTemple of Allah in V/afhington, D. C,, which professes to embrace 
the Mohammedin religion for the benefit of the negro race and is stirring up 
the negro populace by moans of pro-ibcis propaganda. Classes are being held 
four nights each ‘iveek and members arc ’orged to send their children to this 
school and to ignore the public schools, Gynuiastic and military drills ivith— 
out arms also take place in the classes of this organization, 

States Government; that the United States is going to be dof^tod, and that the 
Japanese will take over this^country and that as a result the nogroes will bo 

allegedly toldH||||B^ ho is a member of a Mosl^ group of ^ 
there are 2 S,du^mc®crs ^i n the c lub, and that func- 

tions in Chicago, Jiilwaukee, and_ Dotroi^jj|||B^^fc allegedly toldJB^no true 
member of tho Moslem sect would registerro^^^Riraft and that the present 
woiad eventually turn into a racial war, resulting in the complete eman- 
cipation of tho negro, ^ 


office ana reiazGa xnat no is 
and that in pursuit of such 
yersed there with a. negro occu- 
pttempted to pursv 
an l»T^se cards and bot^ 

___ "This is a white man’s government 

neTxncr Tsyeelf nor any mambor'of ny temple vri.ll take any part in it.”, 

.stated further that he would not sign anything that had to do the”lfrilt^ 

I duties, he called at' 425 East 45 
jjag^igjos^jU^Q Ji 0 believes 






, , 

cult organization jU 

the follovfing inforiaation regarding the 

advised that one, 'KIRKIAKD BEY, W :.s the leader of the cult 

organization on the north side in this city*, .and that this organization had 
originally beeji_^ 22 ll^by BEY and NOBLE DRB/|al-I who according t<i 

eer^MjjTed t 

is now dead, ^m^^stated that the leader of the temple at 104 East 
51st Street was "W. D. FARD, but he had not seen him and could not 
information as to his present v/hereabouts , From- all indications, ( 
himself was a ineiaber of the tioslern organization and in all probability aT 
leader of the same but n^add^i^al information could be obtained from him. 
It should be noted that^jjj^mi^^as tried and convicted and sentenced to 
five years imprisonjuent for refusal to register for Selective Service, ^ 

Offioer^Bl^J|of the Third District of the Chicago Police Depart- ^ 

. ment_who i s yary rkmil"r with the colored neighborhood in this city, ad— 

* vised that he had heard a great deal regerding the variotis colored orgi'niza- 
. tions in that neighbortfUW but vfas unable to g^ve any specific informa^ifia — , 
regarding any particular one. H e stat ed,. he vj'ould attempt t^jb^^^^detailed 
"^information rogariiiBg-them in 'the vary near ftfture.. Officdi^H^^Hpstatcd, 
J^owevor, that he remembers back in 1939 when a few of the off^er^^f that 
district had taken a signed statement frem ^pjoe of the members of a colored 
organization in v/hicimjatement it was set forth that a Japanese individual 
used to come around and made speeches at the Tarious colored meetings. The ““ 
Officer could not romember the person froflf'^IBjstt the statement had heen 
« tained and also waf Of tho opinion that'IrliQtxtotGmQnt had recently "been de-^'* 
stroyed inasmuch afj could not be located av the Police ha w ^ ip m rters. 

The Officer introduced the reporting agent to several reliable colored in- 
divlduals who were in a position to obtain _ir^ormation r egardi ng the color- 
ed organizations, ' 



neighborhood, could give no information regarding the various 
colored organizations supposedly active here at the present time.U 

'ho is also very fam- 
iliar with the oolor'S?li section is very active in trying to 
better tho negro race, vras also unable to give any in formation re wa rding 
the activities of the various colored orgaiiizations. atatod 

that inasmuch as he is very fainiliar v^ith that sectionyxh^mbje^ organi- 
zations have not come to his attention, they must necessarily be very well 
organized and very secretive in their affairs, m 

It was reported by several other field offices that ^T. D. FARD is 
the leader of t he Moslem organ i_zatipnj and s upposedly re siding at 60£6 South 


carrier for that Vernon Avenue district, advised that most of the mail re- 
ce^e^^windividuals at that address vras addressed merely to "Mohammed'*, 
mimH^dvised that he did not know any of the people who lived in that 
house or'exactly hov/ many lived there, despite the fact that he has been 
delivering letters there for approximately one and one-half years 


cept a close watch on the mail for that address for a 
period of sovtJral vreeks and ascsrtajyae^t^t the^eleplj^e bill going to 
this house was addressed also advised_ 

fcthat he delivered a drivers licen se t^_a man by the name^ 
jH^at 6026 South Vernon Avenue. ted that he made inquiry 
at this address at that time as t^^iethe^^B^ lived there and the lady 
answering the dooi: advised thai^HjB did no^live there, but that he usually- 
picked up his mail there, and tha^tne letter could be left with her. 

'It has not been set forth in this report as yet ttet the rent for 
6026 South Vernon Street is paid by an indi-vidual named BSAV\A]i. The Post- 
j^n stated that in the past, he has had several letters addressed to E, 
pEaMAN but they have always been returned to the Post Office marked, "Not 
iThere". ho has made 5.nquiries at 6026 South Vernon Ave- 

nue and they advised him that no one by the name of BSAIlil'I lived there, 


Street to a man hy the 
iLAIvlAN). ^mm^ad vised that BEAMN has been 
f-car and a-half and that his present lease expires 
further advised that he knetw BZi'JiAN fairly 


lUUll Oil ^ WX 

that he had rented tho noi 
name of EPHRON'lBE^ ’.OK (or 
living there far about a 
on April 30, 1943 

T *i Yifn e ~\ ri++- 

jLiiUh^mixMii exM wiiy .ucxwu 

rent. To the best kn owle dge , BEAMA N is a' junk dealer, is 

married, and has four or five children. classified him as a very 

good tenant, inasmu ch as he pay s his rent regularly and very seldom has any 
complaints to make. further ad-vised that he knorf BI^'lEtIAN belongs 

to some sort of cult and is also a very ’religious indi-vidual, but other 
than that, he knew nothing regarding his personal affairs. 
hov/Gver, that he had heard that he held some sort of religioh^neSings at 
6026 Vernon Avenue and also the fact that e number of people lived at this 
address but he had no information to verifv this, l* 


described B.5A’.iAK as follows t 






.58-60 years 
S' 10" 

165 lbs. 


- 7 - 

South Parkyray Avenue,^ 

, advised that the people living at 602S So uth Vernon Avenue ^ 
refused to i'iil“ut the Civilian Defense forms. According these 

people whose names he did not know, advised him that they did notnav^^ny— 
thing to do with the United States Government and refused to allow him to 
come into the house, vx 

Sguth^Vemon Street, advised that she has lived at 
this address for a little m6!re than one year, an^ha^ho Imevf the people 
who reside at 6026 South Vernon as Mohammed, stated that she has ^ 

never seen any men aroxind the house, and also stated that the women dress in 
long dresses and turbans. She also stated that the only v/oman sho had ever 

seen go into the house were dressed in this manner, and that they vrere all 

colored, ^ 

Stated further that there were five children in the house 
ranging from 4 to 14 years of ogOj and to the best of her knov/lcdgc, did not 
attend t he public schools but seemod to attend their avm school evory after- 
noon. arrived at this conclusion due to the fact that on sever- 
al occasions, she has heard the mother calling from the vrlndcfvv a"fr the chil- 

dren in the afternoon saying that it was time to got ready for school, and 
the fact that these childron vrorc out playing in the streets while all of 
the other children in the neighborhood vrare in school, U 

Ifurther advised tl^at one of the children, a boy aged 13, 
is known as "¥^. D,", It should be noted that Vif, D. arc the initials of 
FARD, vfho is reported to be Allah. 

South Vernon Street, also knew very little con- 
cerning the people living at 5026 South Vernon, but stated that it vras some 
sort of a religious organisation and the people living there never associated 
'.7ith the people in the neighborhood, ^ 

It was reported that there was an organization knoi'm as thc/^=acific 
Move ment of the Extern h'orld which is holding meetings at 2941 Prairie Avo~ 
nuG. Avenue, advised that she had originally been 

a member of this organization but had been cheated out of some money and there- 
fore dropped out of it, ^m^^^mH||f.dvi&€d she had been a member approod— 
matoly thre^years ago and at that time it was a purely religious organiza- 
tion, knew very little regarding the organization at the present 

time but that they were meeting at 2941 Prairie Avenue, iv 

Confidential Informant^^H^PThoso identity is known to the Bur- 
eau advised that this organization is presently kno^Tn a^ the '-ioslems and 
that they hold meetings every night with Reverend JAijEa CALD' /ELL as the 
minister of the organization. The Informant advised that tills is a branch 

- 8 - 

He stated that he was presently a member of the Moslem organization ’Miich vras 
located at 104 East 51st Street, Chicago. He advised that D. FARE was the 
Arabian leader of this organization, but on further interview advised he had 
never seen or knew anything concerning the whereabouts of V*. D.-FARD, He 
stated that the wlocal leader of the organization was one STUAN/MUHi’li lEIi also 
known as ELIJAH He described this individual as follo’-vsjU 


Ago • 





Ha^ y 



5» 6« 

200 lbs. 






Very good speaker, dresses in 
brenm suit vjith pink pin stripes. 

Subject stated that SUTAN Iv'IUHAM'IED had instructed all members of the 
organization not to register and had further^instructed them not to fill out 
the questionnaires when they motu redeived. He stated that SUTAN advised the 
members that they vfere not citizens of the United States but rather were Mo- 
hammedans, and that tha only v/ars fought by them were holy wars. Subject ad- 
vised that meetings were held at 104 East Slst Street on ’'londqy and Wednesday 
evenings at 7 P, H. , and on Sunday afternoons at Z P. He advised that 
dues were fifty cents per month, but that he being in better financial cir- 
cumstances than others paid ol.OO per month. Subject stated ho had joined 
this organization >. little less than one year ago, but had formerly been a 
member of the Moslem organization headed by SUFI LI. R. BENCALEE 1.1. A., the 
headquarters of which organization were located at 44^8 South Wabash Ave- 
nue, Chicago, He advised he was no longer active in this organization, 

The following signed statement %vas taken from the subject at the time 
of interview: 

’Chicago, 111, 

, Nov. 27, 1941 

’ do make the following statement to 

knovTihg him to Ijp a Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, 
and voluntarily, without any threats or promises having been m^de to 

!. On October 16, 1940, I registered for the Selective Service Act in 
Chicago, Illinois giving my address as 4436 Vincennes Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, 
I vras thereafter assigned to local Board No. 4. 

Before October 16, 1940, and around that time, I had made application 
for membership in the Moslem Organization v/hose local loader is 3_UTAN LiUHA23.3D, 
knovm as^j.iUCKl.'UCK in Arabian. Prior to this, J have been associated, and 

- 12 




Will forward to this office photographs of W. D. FAHD and of the 
Moslem flag. These photographs should be^ forvreirded to 'ihe Chicago 
Field Division immediately in order that an effort may be made to 
positively identify FjiRD. 



Will contact fliillllBIlHIIIIIIIIliim Elmhurst Po lice Department. 
in order to obtain additional information f ^j|||[mB|||||||m|||| 
i, regarding ti^ mass meeting of the negroes held in 
Chicago, April 12, 1942. Attempts should be made to obtain specific 
information regarding the Japanese who supposedly addressed this 
mass meeting. ^ 


'v * 

Will, after pho tograph of VL D. FARD is forwar ded from Detroit, 
exhibit this tc 

to determine^ whet"Se^^^^?ot FidSD and BEAiviAN are identical, ^ 

Will contact^mPHimK at the Cook County Jail in an effort 
to obtain more detailed inforraation regarding the activities of the 
Moslem organization. Attention should be given to obtaining the 
identity of the leaders of these various organizations and the /■ 
remarks which have been made at these meetings, ^ 

Will make an effort to determine who the individual knovm asy 

This individual pays the rent for the I-foslcm organi- 
za tion at 104 Ea st Slst Street and gave his homc^ talophorj^ numbej 
The listing for this number i£ 

Will con tinue t o r'Opo^b information obtained from Confidential In- 
f ormants4V^^ andl^^^ There arc being instructed to ascertain the 
identity of various leaders in the colored organizations and to pay 

6'^ ^ U7jo 





Ibis case originated atf Ifeshington / File No, - 14-4 

p i j 

;\r 11/:^^ 



^ * r r > 

Repor^^de at 
i£n:rAU^, ^scqksin 


Date nhsn made Period for Report Bade by 
adilch Bade 





Title (CHAUGED) 

GUL YBcHAK^, with ^aliases * 0.( 




_ • 'O .V 

: J ’. ' / 

creau Agenis Mrr« 
talned all pert' 


. ApproodBagtely 21 nom- 

. j bers !:ilT®auk3o“TaEplo #3, idio meat tirice 
■ Al I t^'-ArJp « i’ t * i»eekly and -who contributed al^t 41500 dur- 

CONTAINED W iq/i tnronpmr KLIJ-\H !mvc*3E and 

: nr iir:«. Dnsi?ned atataacmts «4)- 

tainod from nine male menbers of temple In- 

'HEROn 1; 


L'fjni 6f;<;iFiFn 

I-- i kww» j 

m/ '* tainod from nine male members of temple li 
.BY j ^f^Upi^dlcats only one of nombors has registorod 
•' ** under terms of the Selective Service Act < 


Forvydod //. ^ ■ Q 

^ -Ci^a 

' Bureau ■ . . 

” **undGr terms of the Selective Service Act 

1. s' f -a^^ j 

-Ci^aa-<if Report ' 

iiC.OKIiED r - ^ 

& > 4 

2 - Not? Tork';^, 

2 - Detroit 1 
2 - Chicago 

2 - TTashington 

2 - St.rL0>:^'‘i IK3EI?''- 

2 - JTtflMBkSDc / /■Y. \ . . I- . 

2 - j -:i 

1 — U5.., ! ij,Ka«u 

,,n iV^T-r^ 

1 11U4 9. fi ’42 







19^X>; 1 -a.t Hkty will tKfUilBg ^ 

Hw wd«T3lf> (liiite Mn) md ttetr „.-<tfaat 

hare ns #«rt or Jiura In "the - 

T «T F 'vw wui tbat'STCLtaK ’*tHaaED taaehas . 
i-nsT. tbf •:. dt mah. JWbars toight to ob«r 
( AH' It Abat the dark raco* are.av^rler; 
air'ttiai they W9**« brought to Korth iisrica by 
a slave oaster four hundred yeesrs ago. Confi- 
dential mforaanta adyise organizati^jit^artecl 
in l.'ilT«ukee about "W. is 

":*Hah"; that ELIJ.^iSfnCaySmi ie his prophet} 
and *yit SULT:Jv >'CH'J5-tL is the teacher. Ifeire- 
pape ‘ elippingas and cartoons In rood occupied 
I by FOIT .r indicate an interest in Japan. 

Ha>*s and addresses of local ^aenbers set forth 
anu names and address^ of Chicago members, ob- 
tained from correspondence, set forth.U 


- r - 



Report of Spsclsl \gent 
Washington, dated 4/2/42,14 


AT ri^'^!TIKEE « 

The title of this case Isbein^mgrked '•changed" 
to include the /eith 

This ruport is predJLcated upon a teletype from the Washington 
Field Office to the itilTvaukeo Field Office, advising that there ?as an 
organizat ion of neCTops o oro oppo sed to pnrticipation In ailitary ac- 
tivities; and that the 

WilTvaukee Tanplc wa s loeai.od at 6 JQ Wtast TcKlnlGy Street: and, on Viiy 13» 
1942, Spocial the 'Xishlngton ^eld Division tcie- 

phonically contacted^^!^, T, O'Connor, Sp-'cid .^gent in Charge, Kilviaukeo, 
and advised thet several arrests had been ma de in ifes hi ngton of. the I slsn 
loaders and thal 



it the facts in 'the case should be prws;nto<! 
5y at Illnaukoe. ^ 

The facts of liistsnt ease i?orG presontad to Assistant United 
St-jtes '.ttorney E. J, ECEliZEE, J'ay 14, 1942, and prosecution TOS 

- 2 - 


* / 








Ibis loiter is being aorted Exhibit #1 and retained in the 

Among tik effecta of the Islam Temple organization were three 
ledger books . Hie Tirst was a led^r marked Exhibit #2 irtiich is being 
retained In the files of the Ifilwaukee Field Division and which is the 
membership and attendance book of the organization, dated February 1, 1937.U 

The first case contains the words. «I will arise and eo to my 
Father MR, Tf. D. FARD". This book contains the names of thirty two per- 
sons, sixteen men and sixteen wccien, all of idiom have as their eurnajEe, 
nj« or ♦’Bey’’. It Is to be noted that twenty of the thirty two persons 
listed in this attendance book arekiown to be presently active in the 
Islam Temple, 

A second ledger jpok contains a list of contributions made by 
the various members for "Prophet' s Food List" from September 28, 1940 
to September 26, 1941. Tms ledger reflects that the mr. oershlp, total- 
ing never more than twenty two, contributed from #6 to per week for 
food for the Prophet's family. This ledger is being marked Exhbit #3 
and is being retained in the files of the Mil"aur3e Field Dlvisfon. ^ 

Aithird ledger contains a list of the members and their contri- 
butions from February 15, 1941 to February 15, 1942. The mamberp are 
listed with their first names and the surname, "X" and the amount each 
contributed weekly during the ye?r. Each month the ladgcr indicates a 
certain sunrwas paid to FROPIT^T ELIJAH MOHA^’T-fED. A compilation cf the 
amounts paid PROPHET ELIJAH ^'’OHA'IIED indicates that during the yuar a 
total of $1466.80 was paid to PRQPE3T ELIJAH MOHA.'l'ED out of a total of 
$1649.50, which was the total amount contributed by the mambars. It is 
to be noted that the mambers do not contribute a fixed amount, wuch as 
duos, but contribute whatever thoy can. The membors advised that this 
money was either turned ovar to Teacher SULTAK !'0HA''3IED or 8 uBt-p directly 
to ELIJAH 1^0HA?>!ED in Chicago. This lodger is being marked Exhibit #4, 
and is being retained in the files of the I'ilwaukco Field division. K 

among uns oorrosponaence ax xno isxam Ton^ixo was a j.exxer reaa- 

3s follows* ■'' 

"630 TS. McKinley St, 

I'llwaukee, Tfls, 

August 16, 1940 / 

"l!rs. Clara Mohammed " 

53O8 3 . Vabash Avc. 

Chicago, Illinois h 

- 4 - 

^ / 


V ■ 

• F/jr- 

AU_ n w— ^ 'hrr +Vio ’Ti^ l 1 nwoT^c TsTSJn in 'tllB OrS^ 

l-i Li41W icUJ^LLdgC U0^3VJ v**vp^ j. w * * 

Bence of Bureau Agents, it ij_ ,b-elieved that thL: lasson is ona of__the 

tftinesf'"tau|fitr the Islam followers 

^ • A copy of a masazin^ entitled,. "The Final call to Islam" dated 
August 18, 1934, Eotroit, Michigan, indicates that w, u. fARD was the 
original organizer o:f the cult. Ibis copy is being marked Exhibit #£ 
and is being retained in the files of the Milwaukee Field Division. ^ 

■ ■’ ;A-.i ^ 

In the room, occupied by SULTAN tiCHA!'?>!ED ware found numerous news- 
paper clippings. Ib^pe consisted of cartoons and accounts of the J^anese 
war activities. It Is beliei^ed that these cartoons- and clippings are sig- 
nificant in that every one, -mithout exception, relates to the Japanese,' 
and, from material obtained, and fron talk with various members, this 

T nil i*Err*i:ic n f* r*nl nT" 

«M «.*«» V i — — — ' 

aligned against the -white man. TTMle no definite tympathy for Japan was 
evidenced by raembors, nevertheless, these clippings and cartoons would 
seem to Indicate iaest an interest in Japan and her war activities. 
Ibeae c’lippings are b^lng da*it'nstad as Exhibit #9 and are being retained 
in ths files of tin? lifiiTaukaG Field Divisicai. 

^^^nfidcoti^ Informant whose identity is knom to the 

Bureau, advised t»t Ik has knowiTof' this Islam organization being in 
existence in Mllw^^'ae since soMtims about 1930; that tho organiza- 
tion has nevor ]^i|i ioo strong but that it alrrays sosms to be in cxis- 
tonco. ^ ■> 

Coni’ldcr.tlal Informant did not know who SULTAN ^'OHA^^ID was 

r rt.i vr 

hrs hcraT>rJ f.Hr> m/>i»>>:'VrwQ hfiH nnriPT* 

A W«*W UA il^ I “ * -* 

Training and Service of 1940. \\ 

. .. • ■ 

lemparary Coz^^oitlal Inf ormant vBtated ttet he had hoard of 

. . .... .. _ . 5j^~. 

ted t 

’years but '^t he did not 

■ ■ 

tSc organTzatl^ during"^ ^pist five er si 
know the orfaiiizetions ruMif In too present iiwir and -rocthcr the men£re|'a 
mrs aotlvalj advocating 9£t either negroes rafuse to serve in the eci>c<d 
fVTces of ttjlji c*wntr^. ^ ^ 

iToaporary Conf idantpij^ Informant 
mectlngs'^T fffganiaaticui 
Islam Temple l|ag^ tvlcp 
of the ^•iiwauk^^'flBBplb 

'^0 has been aflendinc , 

part of each va 

rtv-iT ‘to 

organization h''.8 

bis moral ol 

is botii cllildaji^’^uat tho money Is selloete^ and is 
nnr.TfV. wSm liVlinltv tflirns Am nUcaWci thr! 


■“ ^nr> - IT A 

T 5-m-i42 

1 5 


isEKMminM tub attoiiiiei ^^erjo* 

4 m >Wm 

TtiiWii om - 

AMlatsBst AttortMtT' Ocncrsl* d«t«d ipril 21» I?li2ji la vbleb It «u stated 
that it vas the Tlaw o' the ^Qrlslaal DtvlslaD that ^th of the adbje;^ 
of the oaee 

3SLi.l:i'iTh 11 of^^^el^^^Servlee Act, 

in that thegr hsEve o wTiWl a d eraelaBU ^ 

as based on Inibmatioa contained in the i-ep e ri 


Since tiiat report irae erltten« Imreetlgatlon hae been cacti mied dd addltiaQal 
infcxrtuitiaD obtained# Aeeordtag to a eocfldential inforaant who hae been 
It tending aee^nz^^^^ 7eo|fle Allah| 1527 -Ilxith Styrett« ^arthmeet# ^stfdLsf* 
boa» D« C.^^^^HH^^dnieter of the Tec^lef nade the foUoelng statenant 
it a noetlng at the ta^ile an Bench 29« l!>ti2s 

"The dsvU desires os to die elth hin^ that is he e«its us la 

Vs dem't mat to be slth hia in the ixsf or oat# ^ knesr 

iP«n^‘V^n9 n«sn»- l^tsf f avsa 

gy pa imgr and Bai^ 

flJlal't * , i^ HUs yf 1 f jg 1 

• ^ >eill be arver hers la that sotbar ship thex haeve# Vs knoe that ATI ah vlil 
I ^ ^^%rotoct us# The bins prints for this oother ship eere eade is the Holx 
I ^ jBecca* and sent to this Japanese jonremaent# Ttiej sill not use this ship .,^ 

in the far east at aU| they sill use it in this bsuisF^isrs# ^s kOoeeTtbaf^ ^ 

3e said *I «t a 

^ 4lXah is fighting far ua In this ear against the darvUs 
^•t£^ ian of 7ar»* I lounr the deslla ana going to fl^t ua and 
Allah Is sith ns* Allah said his foUoeers sill ba 

1 .stand the teat sltfaoat fen*#" ( j 

—J,c?c: tz ^ 

lock us 5- 










Qa Apifil to t!» flMg of Xmtam on ih« hlmed^ 

and statW tbat AUoh bM Mdii that mdar thlx flag yna got fteodon^ 
Touoi^ &qgtiallt yfc as)d Thniji touching the TTnl tiri St*t«o Aag» be 

E.A. TgSa der thla^ ChristXaxxLij^ 700 alnmj^ gu£forlng «nd dectti** 

cini ^ 

Gi«Ti n On April 17# l?ti2# 

Lmdd follosi ng 

sltaesslng the fall of* osr 

the i^ts MD# is goii^ to be poshed off the of the e«th# 
one SB serve# ^ only Qod# Ulah# Is insVT 

■eacs ponsr^nsiltdbrAldUr'SCMd is a livi^ Oed 'and te is asi a 
AllA cbm the JiBs the taA of dsstrayisg the iaselsee^ dsfvil* 

JVM* darl^ tlut #* <s OMiijf«'« 

yi.. G..4. w ar IHIVf iS y \ 


Trtey enott iarbe hippf 

Mr . Carion^ 
Mr . Cottmj 
Mr. Htndon 
Mr. Kramer _ 
Mr. McGuirt 



'i'eaioninwuni for th*. _ 

f General 

Page 2 

the 7th. k dark man is now taking that tri^ich rightfully belongs to hia. The 
doTils don't own one inch of the earth. iTery sit of the land the derils own 
was taken from the dark nan. The dark nan is just repossessing that which 
belongs to him. Bring your professors, your Judges or the President and I 
will proTe to any of toem so that they cannot deny it that the white rr^n aon't 
own one foot of the 196,910,000 square tnllea of the planet earth." U 

Later in the meeting, he made the following remarks: 

"Join your own kind and your own religion and sawe yourself from 
the wrath of Allah c«i America. It is written in the book to receiTe not the 
aark of the beast or hia name for they that receive the mark will be destroyed. 
tThat l3 the mark of the beast? It is the njark you see on the devil's r.^nney 
and on fals uniforms . The sign or ::a.rk of the beast is the 'eagle.' And if 
you have that mark the Japanese are going to shoot at It." ^ 

On iiay 9, 1912, Guian Bogans, known as the apostle of ,wll£h, was 
teksn into cu^'feody' by Burs&u st which he adsiittuci 'thsb ht^ hsd 

failed to register on February 16, 1912. He refused to register when 
requested to do so, stating that it would be against the will of Allah, and 
that he had already registered ^ith the nation of Islam in Detroit in 1931. 
According to Bogans, in 1931 he met an indiviaual known to him as ,i. D. Fard, 
whom he cor.siders as Allah, our God. He adnrlsed the Agents that Ai.lah told 
him that Islam is freedom. Justice, and equality for the people of lost 
nations, In which are included the dark people in the United States, which 
he described as the wilderness of North America. He continued that no true 
member of Islam would register for Dnitad States Selective Service, and that 
he would under no circumstances submit to or permit the Agents to register 

Bogans adviaed that in anditton to the Temple in .ashington, 0. C., 
there are Temples in Detroit, ililiraukee, and Chicago. The original Temple 
at Detroit, where Islam was founded, has, according to Bogans, between nine 
and tan thousand registrants, nils is possibly exaggerated, but it is believed 
that there is an active meobership of between fifty ana one hundred. Through 
Informants, it was ascertained that the leaders of the Detroit and Milwaukee 
Temples arrtved in '..ashington, D. C., vary shortly after Bogans' incarceration. 
These individuals were questioned by Agents, at which time they admitted they 
had failed to register on April 27, 1912, and when given an opportunity to do 
so refused to register* One of them, Sultan Mohammed, is the leader of the 
Milwaukee Temple of Islam, 630 V,aat UcSinley Street, Milwaukee, .lisconsln, 
and he claims a membership of between one hundred and one hundred fifty in 
that city. "Rie other person, V'all Mohammed, stated that he was the leader 
of the Detroit Temple. Their real names are Sullivan ^llis and vfllliaa Poole, 
respectively. Guian Bogans is a blood .brother of Sullivan *His.v| 

The above information concerning the failure of and Poole to 

register on April 27, 1942, is being presented to the United States Attorneys 
at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, arul Detroit, Uichigan, for whatever action they may 
desire to take in the premises. ^ 





datb; 6 / 27 / 

■ ^ ^ i 


'■Jim r^UNITED 

4 »’ 



, S''^i>-yRM'ICISOO (IOC -14.316^) 

F. D. 

SM - KOI - . ^ ■- . • 

QOS C r. iCAG’O ' . j f 

Re Chioa'O letter to Detr oit gated Jul y 31, WS7v. . _ , 

MH||||H|||^^H|||||p Records Section^ 

On August 15, i'‘‘ade ayall- 

San pertaining to ^shLLIc- 

D^^cIr-^^San .uentin niimber i;.23l4-- 

/ > These records reflect jeet*^^he wai' rrc Ol-ed 

indicL-.ted as the true froA Los Angeles , 

-^H^^uentin Penitentiary ^2, ^ violation 

^?helf ^.nords,r.rti.r^indicated^ 








V« e i :i'ht 

Marital Status 



Former .-address 


5* 6 3/8" 

133 pounds 

Maroon ' - 

’ Black 

Married ^ 

'b' One, a^e $ - L926. 

' \ Public schools, Portland, 

■ \ ' Ore: on. , r-i 

likOl Mount 3a;-le Flac?, . 
iSs Angeles, Calif or' la. 

V;hen interviewed by J^g^f^J^lcate^t'rat^FORD^^^ j 

concerning his past, the records inolcate^tnat ^ ^ j 

information as follows: - 





- Detroit (Info) W ^ 



£P 1 6 1957 . 


SF 1 C 0 -L 316 ^ 




He was born in Portland, Oregon,' in 1391, and 
lived in that city until 1913, at which ^tlir.e he Moved 
to the Los Angeles area where he^esiced 'ontil the .time 
of his arrest. He married^KA2.cil^i3-.vr!?l^,^ih Los, Angeles 
and she was 26 y.ars of age at that^ One child. 
resdKted from this union. Q/ > _ 

According to San d)j©ntin records, Di^rict' 
Attorney IG.YSS of Los An ieles County, prosecutor in 
the -Subject's case, made the following stnte.^ent concern- 
ing the crime, ''This defendant in_his possession 
dru‘"S which his partner ih ALDSOr ofiored to ' 

sell to police officers for 'C225V' They “became suspicious 
v.'hen they detected one of the officer's handcuffs and 
refused to go through with the deal. Ofi’icers found 
the drugs at POHD's place of business." 

San Cuentin records reflect that while in that 
■institution, letters were received attesting to r'GhD's 
rood character frciri the following individuals:. 

\j 7 

RAZZL ( f orh;sr~Tire T, who stated 

in 2ubstance“tnrc'^f*Oft!>-n3td"T-'Ot''af ini:, snoVie, or gamble . 

He was morally a good man that because he was tonpermenra, 
their marriare resulted in divorce. 

' Krs. LoT Aneles, who stated that 

FORD had been "lihe one of our family tor ten yoars." 

' ' / * ■ 

of Lo-s"AiiGele3, who wrote on 

Kay 23, 1927, "I have”^ knov7n him for 11 years; my 

mother and I have always been very fond of him. . .always 

treated him as one of the family...” 

Khlle incarcerated at 9an ^uenttn, the Subject 
was employed in the jute mill and as a road 

San Cnentin records indicate that FORf was 
released from San Quentin Kay 27, 1929* u ■ 

Information copies of this comnunicati on are 
furnished Detroit and Los Angeles for assistance in tneir 
Investigation of instant case. •• 

’ ■ - -It is noted that the;, records of San Quentin 

Prison are currently being consolidated with other stete 


5F 100-4 31^^ 

„cord. at Vacaville , 

Obtain a photogra_h when ^.hese recor 

Office at Vacaville, 

are filed and made available. 


Skli FRA 1 ICI 3 C 0 ; , . ' ■. 

Will Obtain a photograph of V-LLI. - - 

San Q,uentin number l| 23 l 4 -- 


» ^ j , ■■'N 

« ^ V_ ) - ^ 

c . - 



f. t. aE«»RTING OrFICS 









1*' — /7 c 




RML , 







. Vk 






C ' 



Speeches of ELIJAH MOHAMMED, national leader of Muslim Cult of 
Islam, and other officials from 1951 through 1956 Indicate alma, 
purposes, and teachings to bes (1) establishment of a nation of 
their own free and independent of the white race; (2) white race 
considered as the ”devll” and must be destroyed; (3) members are 

_ -rt m ^ ^ j ^ ^ ^ J JJ ^ d ^ 

noTi CiXfizens Oi J^no urij.^t?u uuu x-obxu.c xh Viiixci ouuxii^xjf ti9 

slaves; (I;.) Nation of Islam (MCI) will overthrow the devil and 
rule the world. Other teachings based on these speeches set forth. 
Teachings of MOHAMMED contained in the October, November, December, 
1956 Issu^^^^^^^^i^^^^gg^^^g^t^^USA^aswe 1 1 as interviews 
with ^^^^^H^|^^^^H|||^H^H||HBH^^^^^^^^Kndicating their 
f eellng^an^oD^^e^uon^towar^th^imWe^^^?^^ Government set 
forth. Procedure for obtaining membership In MCI and prescribed 
material to be studied by members and prospective members set 

1 1 










A v4-a I 

Y>x'r«T.*CC:TFTTm ttY 

O M 




» t 




/9- Bureau (25-330971) (REGISTERED) 
Ht - ONI, Chicago (REGISTERED) 

1 - OSI, Chicago (REGISTERED) 

1 - G-2, Ghicavo (REGISTERED) 

3 - Chicago (21-20607) 





i PROPERTY OF FBI.^This report U loaned tP you by tho FBI. and neithor it nor iti contonts aro to bo diitrlbuted outsido thoo^ncy to whicj^^ofwl. 


0 - 



CO 25-20607 

' « 


The Muslim Cult of Islem and the F*ruit of Islam will 
hereafter be referred to In this report as the MCI and POI^ respec- 

All Informants utilized In this report have furnished 
reliable infoiroatlon la the past* 



f ^-7C 


\ \ 


The MCI Is an organization composed entirely of Kegroe* 
which was reportedly organized aroxind 1930 In Detroit, Michigan, 

The national leader and founder Is ELIJAH MOHAMMED, who claims to 
have been sent by Allah, the Supreme Being, to lead the Negroes 
oxf.t of slavery in the United States, Members fanatically follow 
■the -alleged teachings of Allah as interpreted by MOHAMMED, and 
'disavow allegiance to the United States, Members pledge allegiance 
to Allan. -and Islam and believe that any civil law which conflicts 
with Muslim law should be disobeyed. The Cult teaches that members 
of the dark skinned race cannot be considered citizens of the 
United States^ since they are In slavery In this country and, 
therefore, must free themselves by destroying non-Muslims and 
Christianity in the "War of Armageddon", For this pi^pose the 
Cult has a military branch called the Fruit of Islam (POI), com- 
posed of all male, able bodied members, who participate In 
military drill and judo training. 

Membere of the Cult also believe that they are directly 
related to all Asiatic races and any conflict Involving any Asiatic 
nation with a Weateni nation is considered part of the "War of 

Armageddon" In which the Asiatic nation will be victorious. 

XX, runruoCtO, ahu 


On September 20, 19l|.2, ELIJAH MOHAMMED was arrested and 
charged with sedltlon j. At this time M OHAMMED gave the followli 

oralstt _ 

wm cf^i^*a^ittad to be true out refused to 
algl^aa^n^tha^n^would admit the truth of this statement In court 
and his word was his bond and his signature was not nscstsairy: 

- 2 - 

^ 'T 


00 _-2S^2«607“ 








♦ i 




Stptem'ber 20, 1942 

"1, Elijah, Mohajnmed. make the following statement 

7< have 

themselves to me as Special Agents of the Federal Bitreau 
of Investlgktlon, U.S. Department of Justice. No threati 
or promises have been made to me of any kind and I 
realize that what I say here may be used against me, 

"1 was born In Sandervllle, Georgia In the year 
1897 . I have never known the exact day or month of my 
birth because my mother was not able to remember It* 

My grandparents worked as slaves for a white family by 
the name of Poole near Sandervllle, Georgia, and In my 
early life I was known as Elijah Poole. I attended 
school at Cordele, Georgia but went only through the 
fourth grade. After leaving school I worked on my father* a 
farm until 1919. In 1919 I was married to Clara Evans 
at Cordele, Georgia, S^om 1919 to 1923 I worked on a 
section gang for the Georgia and Southern Railroad at 
Macon, Georgia, 

*In 1923 my wife and our two children went to 
Detroit, Michigan and from that year on, to 1929, I 
worked for various companies in that city, Including the 
Detroit Copper Company, the American Nut Company, 

Briggs Body and the Chevrolet Axle Company. In the 
latter part of 1929, due to the depression, I was out 
of y>rk but remained An Detroit, Around thAjf^sr 1930 
wUne In Detroit I^|«ard of a rallgion cal^J/f^Ialam which 
Wa^ being taught man named A, Wallace^Far d, 

^^olymmed, who la'Al lah,, Allah conducted” me'etTnga at 
various' halla in 'E^roit from 1930 to Kay of 1933 *nd 
usually had about ?00 or 8 OO persona at these meetings. 
These meetings were held at various halls In the city of 
Detroit, the last of them being located at 3406 Hastings 
Street. The capacity of this hall was about 400 people 
80 there were two meetings held to accomodate the 
overflow. I attended one of these meetings some tlma 
In tha year 1931 <^d Allah was present and taught hla 
religion which was called Islam. Shortly after this 

- 3 - 

I t 


CG 25«20607*^ 

t- ■ 


: r . 

^ . 




Allah came to mj home in Detroit and taught me about 
his religion and Islam. For approximately nine months 
after this visit Allah cam# to my house almoat dally 
and taught me about Islam and then continued coming to 
my home less frequently for a period of 15 months 
thereafter until May 26, 1933 when the Detroit Police 
Department forced him to leave the city. 

"I remained In Detroit and continued teaching 
Islam at various meetings from 1933 to September of 1934 
whan because of pressure from the Detroit Police Depart- 
ment I left the city and came to Chicago, The laat time 
1 saw Allah was In Chlcago^ln 1934 ^ know 

where he Is at pres( 

came to m 

"When Allah fl^^ chao to my home^ln Detroit^ In 1931 
he said that he waa"'^ahadlah_ (phonetic) and that he waa 
Allah who everyone expected to come two thousand years 
after the Christ who waa crucified at Jerusalem, At 
this time Allah gave me the name Mohammed, which I have 
ri 50 (l AVAp fllnc#. 

"Prom 1929 to the present I have had no regular Job 
of any kind. Occasionally I would do odd jobs for one 
day or so during this period. However, for the most 
part for the last 11 years, my family and myseli hare 
been taken care of financially by the Moslems, From 
1931 to 1935 ^ taught Islam In Detroit and Chicago. 

Prom 1935 to the present, I have traveled extensively 
and have lived for various periods In the following 
cltless Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Boston, Providence, 
Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Cincinnati, 
and Atlanta, During this time my family remained In 
Chicago and they and myself were supported by voluntary 
contributions from the Moslems. The monies which I 
received all came from the members of tha Moslem Temple 
in Chicago. D\irlng the time I have travjsled about I 
engaged in no activities other than the atudy of religion 
and I was also endeavoring to avoid \mknown individual! 
who I understood were trying to take my life, I alao 
visited Moslem Templas in Philadelphia, Newark, Hartford, 
Columbus, Baltimore and Washington, D.C, It la my under- 
standing that there are more than 25,000 Moslems over the 

a ^ 4 m. a# ^ M 09^ 

UnX^VGl Uia muou^ 4.^^^ UA’ J-1A X VA ^ 

T M ^ . 

- U. - 









C ‘ 

CO 2^»3o6(J7* 

"In order to clarify Islam and It* teaching*, I 
desire to set out the following information; 

" Frlnciplea g 

1 . Belief In Allah 

2. Belief in the prophet* 

3. Belief In the •crlpture* that 

the prophet* bring 

(a) The Bible 

(b) The Holy Quran 

!i* Prayer 

5. ChaHty 

"The purpose of Islam 1* the clean up the darlc people 
physically and spiritually so they will be respected by 
the other civilized people of the earth. In their present 
condition they are not and cannot be honored and respected 
by Intelligent people. Islam desire* to eliminate pros- 
titution, gambling and drinking among the dark people so 
they can be respected. All dark people are Moslems whether 
they realize it or not, Allah cam* to teach Islam' and 
take away our slave names and give us free names of the 
nation of Islam. Prior to 1935 at tha time the free names 
was given, Allah Issued to the Moslems a card which he 
must always carry with him and which Identified him as 
a right eous Moslem, There were approximately 35,000 of 
these cards issued by Allah and although numerous applica- 
tions have been made for such cards since 193U, 
additional cards have been issued because Allah la the 
only one who can issue them. 

"All Moslem* who have applied for their registra- 
tion cards but have not received same are referred to 
;by their first names plus the letter *X* or double X 
or triple X, In connection with this matter of registra- 
tion, I desire to state that I have not registered under 
the Selective Service Act of 194-0 as amended, I realize 
that failure by me to register constitutes a violation 

^ -V 1 A- TT ^ J J ^ ^ ^ ^ 

oi: rQaerax uni; i;iie rQasuii j. uxu uu b 105x9 box x* ^ 

In 1931 Allah told me I was registered as a Moslem and 
balonged to him. At this time Allah also told me that 


CG 25-20607 






» . 

\ ' 



"ho did not wwttrmo to assoclato In any way with fighting 
or military sorvlco, Allah has told all Moaloms that 
thay should romain righteous and not ongage in fighting 
or military sorvlco of any kind, Allah has taught that 
a Moslem should take no part In military sorvlco or any 
fighting or anything pertaining thereto, I teach Islam 
^.4.'?cordlng to what I have been told by Allah. Allah gave 
to all of us of registered Moslem names this teaching 
himself when he gave out the Identification cards with 
our holy name on, that you shall not take any part la 
fighting or anything pertaining to fighting. This also 

A ^ ^ M X i_ J ^ ^ ^ ^ t M M T 

appxxvu. px'oa «tiiu mxji JLj.ziu* ux ^ 

have reminded the registered Moslems of the Instructions 
of Allah that they should do no fighting or take part 
In It, that they shduld live clean lives and In peace. 

The registered Moslems already have been taught this by 


"Allah has taught that blueprints of a plane which 
carried bombs, was given to the Japanese from the Holy 

^ M ^ ^ ^ ^ 4. « A J V ^ AM A A 

C 71 uiu uxtAopi xiAua uuvs. « 

for thousands of years. These bombs would go Into the 
earth for at least a mile and would' throw up earth to 
a distance of one mile, so that it would make a mountain. 
I have reminded the registered Moslems of this teaching. 

"Allah also taught that all dark people are Asiatics 
and belong to one nation, Allah also taught that white 
people were grafted from the dark people and that white 

Moslems would be persecuted for their righteousness and 
that white people were created to live 6,000 years and 
their time was up in the year 191i+ A.P. He further taught 
that the wicked will be destroyed by fire. By wicked 
he meant the white devils, Allah further taught that the 
dark people will have peace when the trouble maker, that 
la the devils, or white man, la separated from the peace- 
ful, Ae a lisyal follower of Islam and a registered Moslem 
T subscribed and bellavs In all of the above teachlnga 
and I have also taught these principles to other Mosleme. 

6 - 




if : 





CG 25-20607 

"I have bean living In Chicago permanently alnet 
the early part July. 19 t 2 . or ahortly after I waa released 
on bond at Washington, D.C, Since I have been here I 
have spoken on about eight or nine occaalons at meetings 
of the Moslems at the temple located at 104 East 51*^ 

Street on the third floor, Chicago, Illinois* At these 
meetings ^ich I spoke I dlieuised the teachings ef Allah* 

I estimate that there were about 150 to 3^0 people at 
these meetings. 

"I have read the foregoing etatement and facte related 
herein and they are all true* 

"Elijah Mohammed admits ths truth of this statement 
but refuses to sign - stating that his word Is his bond 
and his slgnatupe is not necessary. He Intends to admit 
the truth of this statement In court* 

, Chicago 

From 1951 to 1955 the following teachings of ths MCI were 

_ _ __a 1 trr T TA TT UATTA J — 

espousoa In apeecnes XiijjLafdm rxv/ruii'u'jj^jx^ viva voaaoa' vaaxva«a.« vj 

4-V A 

MCI at Chicago; 

1, The so-called Tfegro Is the original man* 

2* There Is no such thing as a Negro. 

3* The so-called Negro race Is Asiatic in origin and 
is the original race of the earth and all other i*aces art 
degenerai;e oxr-iriOoti, Oa tlie original TmCwm 

4 . The United Statea and Great Britain are governed 
by and for devils, as the white race le eo considered, who have 
been placed on earth by Allah to pTonlsh the original race for 
early disrespect to Allah* 

5 . The form of punishment which Allah Invoked has been 
the enslavement of the original race by the devil race In Korth 

- 7 - 





CG 25-2O6O7 

America, Ai a part of thla enslavement the devil race has with- 
held from the original race the history of their true Identity 
and culture and imposed upon the original race alave namea, 

6. The Alotted time for the devil* • nile la running 
out and Allah will soon lead the original race In the War of 
Armageddon^ wherein the devil race will be destroyed by Mualima, 

j * 

7, All of the original race who accept Islam register 
with Allah* a apostle ELIJAH MOHAMMED and thereafter show allegiance 

only to Islam and not to the United States, In this regard members 

are expected to disassociate themselves, fronTevery thing connected 
with the devil and to associate only with other members as far as 
la practical, 

8, The true country of the Negro is Islam and the 
Hegro la not a citizen of the United States, 

9, At an appointed hour the Nation of Islam will arise 
and tal£e over the world, 


10, The only truthful religion taught in North America 
is that which is taught by the Nation of Islam, 

11, ELIJAH MOHAMMED has been sent by Allah to lead the 
black man out of slavery and the wilderness of North America, 

12, Members of the Nation of Islam de,n^t vote, 

13, Members who are of draft age should not register 
for the draft until they are approached by the FBI and ej^laln 
their reason for not registering la that they are Muslims' and are 
not citizens of the United States, 

11},. The Koran prophesies that the folleOra of Islam 
•'will take over the geVemment in North America and supplant the 

15. When an individual accepts full membership In the 
Tennis and becomes a Muslim he immediately renews his citizenship 
and becomes a citizen of the East, 



» . 


CG a5r20607 

1$. All Muslim* ar« Asiatic and do not have to acrv# 

4 -M ttWmTv 

XU. WUV -M 4 .J 

V X “ ■ ■ 

» t 


Qie MCI 

17 . The Nation of Islam should be ready to inarch when 
the time comes to overthrow the devil In N orth Ame rica, 

' ' . 

From 1951*^ to 195 '^ the followlnir t^a?^ .^_ 

were espoused In speeches by ELIJAH MOHAl^MEp and other officials 

of the MCI, Chicago: 

1. The white man la nothing but a devil who haa been 
put on the earth to rule for 6,000 year* and that the time of 
the devil's rule has almost elaoaed. 

2, The devil will be destroyed by the Muslims In the 
War of Armageddon, 

im-,,. . 4.1 ^.. 1.1 Q 4 -a 4 -«d 


for the Negro when It was written. 

m A ^ 

m A 

auQ ak^i. V 

li.. The fundamental* of the Muslim religion are freedom, 
-Justice, and equality and that Christianity doe* not observe any 
of the aforementioned fundamentala , 

There la no justice for the Negro In the United 


6, Muslims were brought to this country from Asia and 
America is the first nation to be destroyed. 

7 , It 1* essential that America be destroyed so that 

line nusxims can recurn co &neir rightful plaCi 


8, The only way for persona to escape in the destruction 
of America is to Join tha Teit^le of Islam. 

9. Members are not citizens of the United States and 
therefore should not help the people of the United States In any 
way, including refusal to serve In the armed forces of this country. 


1Q« Tii6 United s^&nds foT diicriiKls^— 

and the poor house as far as the American Negro Is eoncemed. 


- ^ as 





CO 25-20607“^ 

Prom 19^5 throng 1956 th* following teaching! of the 
MCI were espoused In speeches of ELIJAH MOHAMMED and officials 
of the MCI at Chicago; 

1, The white man uses Christianity to further his 
influence over the Hegro. 

2, The white race will be destroyed and the black’ man 
will regain hla position of supremacy in the world. 

3, Any persons who refuse to accept the teachings of 
MOHAMMED or become a part of his organization will be destroyed. 

The cross represents the black man who was placed 
there by the white man since the time that the black man has been 


I ' 5» white race la made of aln and muat be destroyed. 

■ 1 ^ 6 , The flag of Islam represents freedom, justice, and 

J equality whereas the American flag represents government by ^ , 

J h enslavement, rape, and brutality, 

^ 7* With sufficient members MOHAMMED could compel the 

* T‘ United States Government to give him some Of the earth. 

^ 8, The Negro In North America resldea In the status ef 

j a subject or slave rather than that of a citizen cf the United 


9. The MCI Is against Integration and la for the 
separation of the racea. 

10, It la necessary ,to kill four devils (white race) 
before a member can wear the button of lalam. 

11. Negroes will never obtain freedom, juatlee, and 
equality In the land of the white race and their only salvation 
Is to follow the teachings of Islam. 

12, Ths aim of Islam Is to separate the Negro from the 
white race in order to establish a nation of their own. 

- 10 - 


CO 25-20607 

If W' • 

;.r . 


■ J^'V 
► ' 
















13 . The United States was doomed to destruction In 
the year I 91 U that this time of destruction has been extended 
so that EILIJAH moham mkh can lead the black man out ©f the wilder- 
ness of North America and In turn the black man can become the 
rightful roller of the world. 

14* The Negro ehould demand a state or a group of 
states on the East Coast of the United States for his own to rulf 
and govern himself independent of the white race, 

1$, The conflict between the Eastern and Western 
countries of the world Is In reality a conflict between good and 
evil and the white race, being evil, will be destroyed. 

15#' The earth rightfully belongs to the black man and 
all white devils must be exterminated along with all of those 
who serve the devil's purpose. All so-called Negroes are members 
of the Asiatic race whether they realize It or not. 

The alms, purposes, and teachings of the HCI have net 
changed, ELIJAH MOHAMMED, the national leader, continues to 
relate that the alms and purposes of the "Nation of Islam" (MCI) 
are to separate the white race from the black race In order that 
the black race can establish a nation of their own In the United 
States to rule and govern themselves Independent of the white 
race. In this regard MOHAMMED continually states that the Unite 
States Government should give the so-called Negro a state or a 
group of states to rule and govern themselves and also continues 

^ ^ ^ 11 _ _ _ n M j_ ^ e 

i#Q vn9 oi xm±wdxx &a m nan/xon wxx^nxn k 

The basic teachings continue to be that members of the MCI reside 
in this eo\mtry as subjects or slaves and are not citizens of the 
United States but are citizens of Asia. MOHAMMED continues to 
tell the members that their forefathers were kidnaped over 
years ago and brought to the United States as slaves and that 
their children are still in slavery In this country. Other teach 
Inga of the MCI continue to be the eating of proper foods, moral 
standards, and military procedures. MOHAMMED continues to state 

4*^ a ^ m Vk-n- 4 wa 1 Q O ^ 

VJULW.V J-SV ie«0 0VX.0WW0U. vfi-aw «u.u v vw A-aa ^ 7^ v 

in the person of one W, D.^A^ ^ In Detroit, Michigan, to lead the 
ao-called Negro Into T~"t5^he~Tai6wledge of self, the Identity of th-; 

11 i 



. / 

CO 25-20607 


dttTll (white men), and out of alavary in the wlldameia of Vorth 
America* The teachlnge of military procedure to all POX membere 
are in the form of marching and close order drill. It la apparent 
that members will not support the United States In time of 
national emergency as evidenced by the fact that HOHAKMED eon- 
tlnually refers to the imprisonment of himself and membere during 
World War II for failure to comply with Selective Service laws. 
MOHAMMED continues to be critical of any of his followers who 

m AVOW A 4 v« A m vss n vt a a m ^ O- a 

ova wv Asa vuo av4 voo rniiu AiluxuovoaA VUKV 41V WVUXU UV b UV 

and anyone who served in the armed fortes was a fool. 


^he_followlng are InterTlews of 

ihlch are being set forth In ord'e? to show their 
relating to their duties and obligations to the United 
States Government: 

ora^B^^^men^tp SA] 

by SAs andMjB|^H||^^H^^B which 

to sign on the grouno^tnat ^na^ToTWRC^not. 
because he was already registered with Allah, 
that the statement was the truth. This statem^ 


make the following statement to 
xo I know is a Special Agent of 
of Investigation. No force, ^iolenoe, 
duress, threats of any kind or promises have baen mad# 
to me to aecure this atatement. 

[as born atj 

I am unable 

lave never been told 
boim u nder the name of 
are now dead.' 

I c e of mv birt h! 

give the exact date because 
^blrth .occurred. 

My parents'^ 

rece ived m -X early tralnT! 

me acme 

re principaia of lalamT 

- 12 - 






CO 2^-20607 

"I hav«\«arned from him that laj parent • war# 
lalams and happy to know this. I felt that thla 

that W, D.'^lhERRAR D l a Mohammed who la All^ and that 
Allah IV'the' aupreme l>eing who holda Y^e^power of life 
In hla right hand becauao all thlnga^e right. 

"I have Introduced W, JP, MUCK MUCK at Mohaimned 
and Mohammed la Allah. AilaHTiat 'taugJit me that all 
religion la peace; that there muat be no guna, cluba, 
knivea or inatrumenta of war. Allah taught me and 
others not to register* I will not register for the 
draft or for anything else because I have already reg- 
istered with Allah and having once registered with Allah 
I cannot register again. 

"Because of our teachings Allah has told ua that we 
ahould not register for the Selective Service because 
that would be making ourselvo# available for war when 
our true religion la peace. 

"Allah has taught me that I am free — free from 
Christianity. Allah has taught me that I am not an * * 
American Negro but that I am the original man. He has 
taught me that I am not a citizen of the Unite^St^ea 
but a citizen of Heaven. My home la not In^flHHili^ 
la In Heaven and I wish to ret\im there as Boon as I 
possibly can. 

"Allah has taught me that the Christian God cannot 
be seen. Allah le the living God on earth. 

"I have on several occasions in the Islam temple 
Introduced MUCK MOCK as the Savior or the supreme being 
because he Is the creator of all things and God la W. 


"On the blackboard I have seen a picture of an 
American flag with a colored man hanging underneath it; 
although it has never been explained to me the meaning 
I do know that the hanging meane death. I have also 
seen the flag of Islem which consists of the sun, the moon 



CO 25-20607 

t '- 


• i>t 



and the etars but Its true meanings has not been ex* 
plained to me. I have also seen on the blackboard a 
picture of a wheel or an object resembling a wheel with 
bomba dropping on the earth beneath and alrplanea 
flying. I believe that this Is to depict what the 
other man Is going to do so that we will know what the 
other man Intends when he comes against us. 


"If anyone were to ask me about the Selective 
Service 1 would tell him what Allah has told me and 
tell that person that I would not register for the 
Selective Service. I cannot say what that person would 
do after receiving this information. 

"with respect to the registration for the Selective 
Service, I could not register because having previously 
been registered with Allah I would be disobeying him by 
registering and to be a true Muallm I obey Allah and do 
whatever he asks me to. 


>. ^ 

"Wooden riflee In the temple are used to drill 
with and the purpose of the drill is to know what the 
other man*e acts are going to be, I have net regletered 
for the Selective Service and I do not have a Selective 
Service registration card. 

"X have read the above statement consisting of two 
pages and know the same to be true to the best of my 
knowledge. Information and belief. 


' Special Agents, 751, IT.S. Department of Juatiee^ 
Room 1900, 105 V. Adams Street, Chicago, Illlnole." 


lii - 

r . 


V O 

CO 25-20607^ 

f reely and Tolun tartl y make 

who havaloenri^^^^nfmselye* to 

o— ita of the Federal Bureau of Inveitl- 

gatlon, Ko force, promises or threats have been made 
and I realise that this statement can be used In court. 

15 - 

«’ • i 




CO 25-20607 



























MOHAMMED !■ known aa tha prophet of the 
Hoalema. He was associated with the Chicago Temple 
for seTeraX years up to about 1934# when he left Chicago 
and went traveling aro\ind the country studying. I 
understand that while he was traveling some unknown 
Individuals were trailing him in order t o kill h im. X 
do net know why ‘they wanted to kill hiT 

"MOHAMMED returned, to Chicago shortly after hli 
rolease at Washington# D.C.# which was some time In June 
194^* Since his return he has been to the Tenple on 
about six occasions# at which times he gave talks before 
the Moslems. Present at these meetings at which 
MOTTAMMEn tVi* re wou ld be about 250 men and women. 

"I now desire to set forth the teachings of Allah 
which were the sub feet of talks by M0?IAKMEr 

;ic man la the original man” 

LB been grafted from the black man 6 thousand years 
ago hy Yacob. The white men was also called the devil 
and was slven oower to rule for a llialted oerlod of time. 

This time is now about up. The black people have 7i^ oz. 
of brain aa compared with the 6 oa. brain of the white 
devil. The black people have more atrength that the 
white devil. All non white people are Asiatic. Infludsd 
among the non white are the Japanese. Allah sometimes 
identified 6le^^ people as Aalatles^' 

"Allah also teaches that all non white people ahould 
stick together as they are brothers and alsters to one 
another. These'non white people should not fight against 
their brothers and alsters. That la why at the Tenq)!#. 
MOHAMMED and KARRIEH have stated that the Moslems should 

- 16 - 






CO 25-20607^*^ 

not fl^t tho JApanoBe who aro tholr brotheri, Allah 
has alto Bald that no Koslem should tear armB, engafo 
in any military training, or activities, nor carry any 
weapons. That is why MOHAMMED and KARRIEM have stated 
at the Moslem meetings that a true Moslem registered 
with Allah, should not enter into selective service, for 
once a Moslem has teen regiitered with Allah, It Is not 
necessary for him to register again. By registering with 
Allah, a Moslem becomes a citizen of heaven, which is in 
Mecca. Allah has also said that many thousands of years 
ago there wore blue prints burled in Mecca of an airplane, 
about one -half mile wide, and one -half mile long, which 
would travel from 3^0 to i;00 miles per hour. This plane 
was completed in 1929, It took twenty years to build it. 
On the plane there are 1^00 small planes. On each plane 

plane was made on the Island of Nippon, These bombs 
travel into the earth surface for one mile and do not 
go off for ten fclnutes. When they explode they cast up 
mountains one mile high. 

"There is a blackboard at the Temple on which is 
painted the American flag. Underneath It there is a 
cross and a picture of a black man hanging by his nock. 

W ■“ 

1 1 T s\ ^ ^ ai 4 a a t r''V*Ti 4 

vaaj. m a v wsiaes vewava w j • 


the rigjht hand side of thle ssjne blackboard Is the 
Moslem flag, which la rectangular, with a red background. 
In the center appears a crescent and a star. On throe 
eomere of this flag are the words - •Freedom, Justice 
end Equality*, on the fourth corner the letter •!•, 
which stands for Islam. 

"Since MOEAMMED returned from Washington in June 

f " 


difference between life under the American flag for the 
black man and life under the flag of Islam for the black 
man. Under the American flag, the black man la lynched, 
persecuted, abused, burned and denied equality, whereas 
under the flag of Islam the black man is given freedom, 
juatice and eq^iallty. 

- 17 




r.a ^tf-PnAo*/ 

I’ 0 

) O 

, t • 




• V : 


' H 







poopl 6 only hftvo «lavo n*iii6S *jid 
In order to obtain thtlr original 
names* These letters return 

of W* D. FARD, who Is AllaJuSoonTlnal names have been 
given out since ALLAH left the City of Chicago in 1934* 
Fending Me return thoee whose lettere have been approved 
are allowed to uae their flrat najjiea and then the letter 

"1 have read this statement consiiting of tw© and 
a half pagea and the' facta contained therein are true to 
the beet of 017 knowledge. 

Special Agent, FBI, Chicago, 111, 

Special Agent, FBI, CMcago, 111." 

mg XEe^m^ 

advised that tSo^ purpose of lilam Is to segregate the 
I Mgif from the white man and to establish a nation of tholr 
own. Ho rolatod that tho Hatlon of Islsm and tho black man aro 
Intoreated and dodleated to eatabllahlng and maintaining their 
own independence. 



- 18 . 










t- O 

) o 

and Indicated that he would not aerve In the anr.ea rorcea of the 
United Statea In the event of a national emersency. ANCERSOH 
atated thathewaaslrna^wlth Allah and could fight only In the way 
of Allah. ^H|H|||||BH the hlack man is not a citltea of 

the Unit he hliuaelf does not conalde? hlmaelf a 

Ihere appears an article in the October, Kovember, 

■« '.December, 19S& issue <f a:magazLne entitled "Koalem World and the USA" 
on pages Id through 35 entitled "The Teachings of Hr. Elijah 
Muhammad”, ^e editor and publisher of this magaslne is one 
ABDUL BASIT BAEEM, Best Office Box 36 , Brooklyn 21, Kew York. 

Fertlnent portions of this article are set forth below 
tindor the appropriate subcaptions exactly as they appear in this 

F bolievea 

ings or Jiijl *J Ah KOHAKl'liiD 100^, He said n^Toulo fi^iow 

MOHAMMED and his teachlnga anyw here short of personal self- 
destruction. j^iHgBm^V**Aolther he nor any black man is 
a citizen of the United States and that he does not consider 
himself a citizen of this country, and stated absolutely that he 
would not support the United Statea in the event of a national 
emergency and would not serve in the armed forces of the United 


"Allah came to us 
Arabia, la 1930 


from the Holy 

•f m 

”^^2sed th^v^ 
tVSsP. Fand. N! 
.ame »V. F.-Muhami 

of Mecca, 

ins It 

Els ^ame _____ 

ame of Wallace D. Har d, often slgn- 
n the third year (1933) He signed 
Muhammad*.. which stands for Wallace 

"He came alone. 

- 19 - 


CG 25-206of^ 


••Pgga, Y*(iX6S# of OTU* ilns thfc't w® h*.y® coinmlttod 
In following and obeying our ilavernAster*, Allah will 
forgive ue If we (the lo-called Negroee) turn to Him 
and return to our own kind. 




"Allah taught us the Knowledge of ouriolves, of 
Himself (God) and the devil, the Keastirement of the 
Earth, other Planets and the Civllliatloni of some ef 
the Planets other than Earth. 

"He measured and weighed the Earth and Its water, 

(and taught us of these,) and the history ef the Koon, 
and the history of the two nations that dominate the 
earth, black and white, 

"He gave us Information as to the exact birth of 
the white race and the name of their God who made them, 

Sind how, and the end of their time. Also, the Judgement, 
how it would begin and end. 

"He taught us the truth of how wo wore made slaves, 
and how wo are kept In slavery by the slave-masters* 

"Allah declared the doom of America, for her evils 
to us it was past due, and that she la number one to be 
destroyed, but her judgement could not take place until 
we (the so-called Negroes) hear the truth. 

"He declared that we were without the knowledge of 
self or anyone else, and had been made blind, deaf and 
dumb by this lidilte race of people, and that we must return 
to our people, our God (Allah) and His Religion of Peace 
(Islam)— the Religion of the Prophets. 

- 20 - 


'J o 




I o 

CO 25-2060f*^* 


"Allah told u« that tho slavamastarf had taught uf 
to eat the wrong food, and that this wrong food was the 
cause of our sickness and short span of life. He declared 
that He would heal us, and sit us In Heaven at once if we 
would submit to Him; otherwise He would chastise us with 
a severe chastisement until we did submit, and that He was 
able to force the whole world Into submission to His will. 


"If a man can rejoice over the finding of his lost 
or strayed animal, or a piece ef silver, or a son who had 
the desire to leave his home to practice the evil habits 
of strangers, how much more should Allah and the Nation 
of Islam rejoice over finding us who have been lost from 
(Allah and the Nation of Islam) for 2^.00 years and follow- 
ing others than our own kind? 


"Christianity is a religion organised and backed by 
the devils for the purpose of making slaves of black man- 

"Freedom, Justice, Equality; money, good homes, etc,— 
these Christianity cannot give us (not the Christianity 
that has been taught us). 

"He (Allah) said that Christianity was organized by 
the white race and they placed the name of Jesus on it 
being the founder and author to deceive black people into 
accepting it. 

"Our first step is tp give back to the white man his 
religion, Christianity, church and his names. These three 
are chains of slavery that hold us in bondage to them. 

We are free only when we give up the above three. 



- 21 - 

CG . 2^-20607=^ 

"Th« Blbl«, church and Christianity hava decalvtd 
the •©‘•called Negroes* I pray (to) Allah to glv_ th®JQ 
Hf # I ftud Xight ot 'Understanding* ** 


"Allah has warned us of how He would (one day) 
destroy the world with bombs, poison gas, and finally 
fire that would consume and destroy everything of the 
present world. Not anything of if (the preaefat world 
of white mankind) would be left. Those escaping ths 
d*atructlon would not b# sllowed t© take anything of It 
out with them, 

"Allah (has) pointed out to us a dreadful looking 
plane that is made like a wheal In the sky today. It 
Is a half-mile by a half-mile square; It is a human- 
built planet, (I won*t go Into all of the details here, 
but It Is up there and can be seen twice a week; It Is 
no secret.) Ezekiel saw It a long time ago. It was 
built for the purpose of destroying ths present world, 
Allah has also hinted at plaguing the world with rain, 
snow, hall and earthquakes, 


"It Is against the very nature of God, and man, and 
all life, to love their enemlas. Would God ask us to do 
that which He Himself cannot do? He hates His enemies 
so much that He tells us that He Is going to destroy them 
in hellflre, along with those of us who follow His 


"The enemy is alert, wide-awake and aver on the job 
to prevent the so-called Negroes from believing In Allsh 
end the True Religion of Allsh and His frophets--the 
Religion of Islam, The enemy is well-aware that Allah 
is the Rock of our Defense and Islam Is the House of our 

- 22 - 

CG 2^-2060J^ 


"Mr. Fard Muhaimnad (God In Person) chose to suffer 
throe and one-half years to show his love for hia 
people who have suffered ever _ 3 00 years at the hands of 
a people who by nature are evil, wicked, and have no 
good In them. 

"He was persecuted, sent to jail in 1932, and 
ordered out of Detroit, Michigan, Kay 26, 1933* He came 
to Chicago In the same year, arrested almost Immediately 
on his arrival and placed behind prison bars. 

"He submitted himself with all humbleness to his 
persecutors. Each time he was arrested, he sent for me 
that- 1 may see and learn the prise of TRUTH for us (the 
so-called Hegroes) 

"He was able to save himself from such suffering, 
but how else was the scripture to be fulfilled? We 
followed In his footsteps suffering the same persecution. 


"Pear is the worst enemy that we (the so-called 
Negroes) have, but entire submission to Allah and His 
Messenger will remove this fear. The white race put fear 
in our foreparenta when they were babiea, ao saya the 
World of Allah. 

"The poor (so-called) Negroes are so filled with 
fear of their enemy that they atoop to helping him 
against their own salvation. 

"Be aware of what you ara 35Chg lest you be the worse 
loser. If they had, only bean taught the TRUTH, they 
woxild act differently. 


"Allah haa taught ua that our foreparenta were de- 
ceived and brought Into America by a slave-trader whoae 
name was John Hawkins In the year 1 $$$, 

- 23 






; ) 

CO 25-2060^ 


"The alavemastere* children are doing everything in 
their power to prevent the sc**c&lXed Kegroei froin accept* 
Ing their own God and salvation, by putting on a great 
show of false love and friendahlp. 

"This le being done through ‘integration* as It is 
called, that Is, so-called Negroes and whites mixing to- 
gether, such as In schools, churches, and even Inter- 
marriage with the so-called Negroes, and this the poor 
slaves really think that they are entering a condition 

/t-T w-f t^Vl ^/ITWIAT* a 1 It wlix 

w* ^ - — ^ 

prove to be their doom, 

"Today, according to God*s word, we are living la 
a time of great separation bel^ween the blacks and whites. 

"The prophesized I 4 .OO years of slavery — that we the 
so-called Negroes would have to serve (the white) people- 
ended In 1955 . The so-called Negroes must now return to 
their ownj nothing else will solve their problem, 

"The divine power is working and will continue to 
work in favor of the so-called Negroes* return to their 
own* The separation would be a blessing for both slde|^ 


"John Hawkins brought oiir forefathers Here (from 
Africa) on a ship nsmed ‘Jesus*; when this ship when on 
Its way back from another load of our people, ouFTore- 
parents stared at the old slave ship as It departed and 
begged to be carried back, but to no avail, and they 
said that ‘you can have this new Western world but give 
us the ship Jesus back to our people and country* , which 
now has become a song among our people, which goes some- 
thing like this? ‘You - can - have - all - the - world - 
but - give - me - Jesus** 

"Bui: our foreparents did net know st that time that 
It would' be 1^00 years from that day before the real ship 
(God Himself) would come end get them and their children 
and cut loose every link of the slave chain that holds 








CG 25-20607*^' 

us in bondage to our slave-masters bj giving us a 
true Icnowledgo of self, God and the devil and wipe 

'rr^awei ISO Tam 4 T\ «P S 'A ^ 

OLft «b J vaX9 ^ syv,*. a \J 1. m ^ auv/ aax^ia^ 

groaning under the yoke of bondage to the merciless 


"Allah greatly rejoiced over us and was real 
happy that He had found us--the lost Nation of Islam 
In the wilderness of North America, 


"Many of us, the so-called Negroes, today are so 
lazy that wo are willing to suffer anything rather than 
go to work, 

"It is true that God has come to sit us in heaven, 
a#” V ZaO^ * 32©*v®ii wli©i*dn ws to voi*l£5 

"Ve must have for our peace and happiness that 
which other nations have, 

"Allah desires to make the black nation the equal 
or superior of the white race, 


"Allah has tsught us that we the so-called Negroea 
are the original people of the earth who have no birth 
record. ! 


"The peace and happiness can*t come to us under any 
other flag but our own. 

"If God desires for us such Joy, why shouldn*t we 
give up begging and be real men, and aet with the rulers 
of the earth, ruling o\ir own? 

- 25 - 


CO 2^-20607 



O 3 






' vi 



"He told ub that we must give up our siaventaiei 
(of otir slavomastera) and accept only the name of Allah 
(Himself) OP one of the Divine attributes. We (the 
so-called Negroes) must also giro up all evil doings and 
practices and do (only) right eousness or we shall be 
destroyed from the face of the earth," 



■This Ind 

^er attending three or four meetings 

raised his hand, upon a plea 

from ELIJAH MOHAMMED for now members. Indicating that he desired 
to become a membei^o^^i^MCIj^Attl^^tline his name and address 
were taken by^H|||H||||^^H||||||H||||||||||mi^and he was furnished 
form letter, whlc^^^se^^^rthbelow, and Instructed to eepy this 
letter exactly and return it by mail to ELIJAH MOHAMMED, 

It A , 

«L ^ «L A X ^ JL UJ U. ^ 

"Dear Savlo\ir and Deliverer: 

"I have been attending the Temple of Islam, for the 
past two or three meetings, and X believe in the 
teaching. Please give me ray Original name, 

"My slave name <uad address Is as followst" 

- After approximately one month, during which time he 

, this Ind ividual was notified by 
that the above letter 

.bned*byi _ 

_ ‘ as to why he wanted to become a member 

[h the teachings of Islam, At this time 
^advised this Individual that he was now a 
member of the TompTb and also a member of the POI, This Individual 
was furnished his "X" and provided with the telephone number ef 
the Temple and was assigned hla FOI nvunbers At thla time this 
Individual was furnished with the following lesson entitled 
"Student Enrollment Ru^^o^Cslam" , which is set forth below, 
with instructions frorr^H|||||fl^M that he was to learn and memorize 
the question! and answe^^i^^ne would be called upon to recite them. 

- 26 - 





■ aw ^ 



■‘)t v 


CO 25-20607 ^ 

■l. Who Is th* original man? 

Ans, The Original Han is the Asiatic Black 
man. Owner, cream of the Planet Earth, Grod 
of the Universe and father of Civilization, 

f.2. Who Is the colored man? 

Aas, The Colored Man is the so-called white 
man of caucaslon, Yaeobs grafted devil, 
skunk of the Planet Earth, 

•3, What is the population of the original nation 
in the wilderness of North America and all 
over the Planet Earth?. 

Ans, The population of the Original Nation 
in the Wilderness of North America is a little 
over 17,000,000 lost-founds, plus 2,000,000 
Indians making a total of 19.000,000 and 
all over the Planet Earth 4*400,000,000, 

•"4* What is the population of the colored people 
, in the wilderness of North America and all 
over the Planet Earth? 

Ans, The population of the Colored People in 
the Wilderness of North America Is 103*000,000 
and all over the Planet Earth, 400*000,000, 

"5* What Is the square mileage of the Earth? How 
much Is the water? 

Ana, The square mileage of the Earth Is 
196,91^0,000 square miles, 57,255,000 square 
miles Is land, 139,685,000 square miles is 

■6, What is the exact square miles of useful land 
used every day hy the total population of the 
Planet Earth? 

Ans. The square miles of useful land used by 
the entire population everyday is 29,000,000 

square miles. 

- 27 


o o 




■ ’r . 



• V"* 

\ ' ■. 

f *” 

i .:: 

.'fr : 


nn ?i;_?nAriah«k-- 

WX fc-.^ — «— X W X I 

"7* How much of the useful lend used by the 
original man? 

Ana. The square miles of useful land used 
by the Original Kan Is 23,000,000 square miles, 

.^8, How much, of the useful land used by the 
*■ colored man? 

Ans. The square miles of useful Jland used by 
the colored man is 6,000,000 square miles. 

"9, What Is the birth record of said nation of 

Ans. There is no birth record of said nation 
of Islam. 

*10, What Is the birth record of said other than 
of Islam? 

Ans. The birth record of said other than 
Islam is: 

Buddalsm - approximately 35 » 000 years old, 
Christianity - approxlmataly 551 years old," 

This Individual attended two or three meetings li 
and after a plea by ELIJAH MOHAMMED for new members, this’ 
^Idual raised his hilnd. Indicating that he desired to become a 
member * name and address were taken by the 

and he was furnished with the following 
En^ructlons to copy this letter exabtly and 

4-a WT.T.TAU MOUiMMT^n >t! Ji fill 7 UftodTe-tin A-rerme 


"As Salaam-Alallnmi: 

"Dear Saviour and Deliverer: 

"I have been attending the Temple of Islam, for the 
past two or three meetings, and I balleve in the 
teaching. Please give me my Original name. 

"My slave name and address is as follows;" 

- 28 - 




J ') 





''i ' 


C& 25-2060'P^ 

Approximately one month later, during which time ha 
continued to attend meeting!, he vai adviaed by the Secretary that 

t. 1 ^ ^ 4 - 1 . 4 . 4 . 4 ^^ 

XIXB XOOlfVX' ilOU UOPiA 1/9VA «Lli\A 0.^yA'V V 9VA OLllSJ. VI «l ■ «. U V4XA.V v A.aii^W 

fumlahed with a Hat of queatlona entitled "Student Enrollment 
Rulea of lalam" with Inatructlona that he vaa to learn and memortza 

The "Student Enrollment Rulea of lalam” have provloualy 
been aet forth In thla report. 

After learning and memorltl ng the "Student Enrollme nt" f 


^ cgroun 

he want4T^Tg~~be com_e a member. After reciting the 

Rulea Xalam"^fli^HIHBHiPiHHH||ni||BMBHBHM4HHl^VVK 

at thla time that he waa now a member of the Temple and also of the 
POI and would be welcome at POI meetlnga. At this time thli Indl- 

a_r a a « Vylf 4 ^ A 1 A A rkinertVseaTa 

e ■« «>>ia 0 ^ ^uL^a^^uuvNa vuv w^w^^weev v<e 

the Teirple, and given hli EOI number. 

Thli Individual attended three meeting# of the MCI in 
and after the third meeting, upon a plea by ELIJAH 
for new members, he raleed hla hand. Hla name a nd a 

were taken an d he waa furaiahod with a form letter by the 

vlbl!i ins ti*uc t ions to it oxsc tl"®' z*ot\ii*n ^ 

Shammed, |[8ii.7 South Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, ^.TKl# 
form letter is at followa: 

"Af Salaam-Alalkum; 

"Dear Saviour and Deliverer: 

"I have been attending the Ten^lo of lalam, for tho 
two 01* HiootlngSy snd I t>olioyo Iti tli# 

teaching. Please give me my Original name. 

"My slave name and address la aa follows:" 

- iiV - 




) ■ .) 

CO 25-20507 


Th« Above letter was returned And the following 
AddltlonAl correspondence was received by this IndlvlduAl, coplOA 
of which correspondence hsve been previously furnished to this 

■4814.7 So, VoodlAwn Are, 
Chicago 15* Illinois 




" A s - S Alaam- A 1 a 1 Icum: 

"In the name of Allah, The Beneflclent, The Most 
Merciful, The Lord of the Worlds; and In the name 
of His Divine Messenger, Mr, Elijah MtihammAd, 

"Dear Brother: 

"The Nation of Islam is very happy over yoiu? retiuni 
to your own Holy Nation, and desires to Inform you that 
you are no more a slave, but an Independent Asiatic 
Muslim with Allah and a billion Brothers and Sisters 
on yovir side as friends. 

«... ’rsj\y>¥ 4"./\ A T attitiT a Axt: 


for your proper Instructions and Lessons, 

"May Allah bless you, 


Tour Sister, 

T.Aifiil 1 s MuhsTTmad" 

- 30 

CG 25-20607 


"(Ploato fill out yo\ir«elf, use Ink) 


"1, Aro yoc. BiArrlod? 

" 2 . Are you two living together at the present 

"3. Have you a marriage license? ^ 

"4- Do you have any children? 

"5» Ar® jovi divorced? 

"6. Have you divorce papers? 

" 7 « Please state the ages of your children, 
their names and sign the enclosed *Porm 
Declaration of His or Her Own,* 







CG 25-20607 


" ADDRESS ; - 





"c m ' STATE, 






"VI PE ■ , 

"ON THIS op 19. 

"l;61;7 South Voodlawn Avonua 
Chicago 15# Illlnolt 
i Data 




•in the Nama of Allah, The Boneflclant, The most Karelful, 
The Lord of the Worlds; and In the Kama of His Dlrlna 
Messenger, Honorable Elijah Muhammad. 

- 32 



CQ 2^-20607 

"Dear Brother; 

"The.Satlon of lelam !■ very hap^y over your return 
to own HoXy K&tlon» Wo dosir# to Inroiro you ttiot 

you are no longer a elave hut an Independent Aslatle 
Huslim with Allah and a hllllon of Brothere and Sleters 
on your side as friends , Please report to the Office 
of the Temple Sunday for your instructions and lesson. 
Brother you have been inquiring about an answer, did you 
send in your letter for your Original Kama? If you have 
or hadnH, please do so. 

"May Allah bless you. 

** A s - S al aam-A la i Icum . 

Tour Sister, 
Lovella Muhammad* 

The envelope is addressed as follows: 


5335 S, Greenwood Avenue 

Chicago 15, Illinois 




attends open meetings held on Sunday afternoons. 



I ') 




This Individual received no Instruction, formal or 
otherwise, prior to becoming a member. He was not advised of 
any obligations incident to membership in the M3 I or of Its 
specific alms or purposes. No Instructions were given to this 

illUJ. VXUUHX OliaiU «CI « 2I70UXI^ VX IIXO illtpmuox QJ.4Xy V14.9 

MCI he would become a citizen of Islam and therefore would not 
be subject to the laws of the United States, He was never advised 
that if he became a member he would renounce his United States 
citlaenshlp and no longer owe allegiance to the United States, 



In regard to the above points, however, it was taken 
for granted by this individual In speeches by ELIJAH MOHAMMED 
which he heard prior to his becoming a member, of what the alma 

-3 _ . - ^ ^ ' ufrfT' , , tU» M X4r\r7 a Afvcir'rv 4-^1^ vv. a a ^ a x4 mm 

tuiu. pixx'p^£5*?a \jx. i/ixa nvx wox o vfixoii v-w 

that there was no such thing as a Negro but that they were 
original black men and were not citizens of the United States 
but of Asia and that they resided in the United States as slaves^ 
MOHAMMED also Indicated that the aim of Islam was the separation 
of the races and the establishment of a nation of their own. 

This Individual was not required to study any material regarding 
the principles of the MCI prior to his membership. 

This Individual received no instructions, formal or 
otherwise, prior to his becoming a member of the MCI relative 
to the principles of the MCI or obligations incident to member- 
Slxip^ HS WS.S HOV0I* of t-il0 specific pUJ^OS^S^ 

teachings or that as a result of his membership he would becoma 
a citizen of Islam and therefore would have to renounce hls 
United States citizenship and no longer owe allegiance to the 
United States, However, it was clear to this individual what 
the alms, purpose, and teachings of the MCI were when these 
individuals would state that the aim of Islam was the establish- 
ment of a nation of their own separate and Independent of the 
white race. The black man is superior to the white man, 

other officials frequently told the members that 
they were citizens of Asia and not citizens of the United States 
but lived here as slaves. The only printed material this Indi- 
vidual was required to learn prior to hla becoming a member was 

- 31j. - 


' \ 


CO 25-20607 ■ 

the “Student Enrollment Rules of Islam," He was required to 
learn and ffiSTfiorlze this material and give an oral recitation 
to RAYMOND SHARRIEFF, the Captain of the FOI of Temple #2, 
before he could become a member. When a person Is accepted 
as a member of the MCI, he automatically becomes a member of 
the FOI. 

This individual was never advised by anyone, formal 
or otherwise, of the obligations Incident to membership In 
the MCI or of the specific alms and purposes of the MCI, 

However, It could be easily concluded by this Individual of 
what the MCI stood for based on the speeches of ELIJAH MOHAMMED 
and other MCI officials, MOHAMMED and officials stated that 
the aim of the Nation of Islam (MCI) was the separation of the 
races and the establishment of a nation of theli* own free and 
independent of the white race; that members are Asiatics and 
not Negroes and will always be in slavery In the United States 
as long as the white man is In power. The white race 1s the 
"devil" and must be destroyed. 

This Individual was never furnished any prepared 
material to study and never followed through In order to obtain 
membership. * 


This individual was advised that when he was notified 
that he was a member of the MCI, he automatically became a 

^ — -n 4-1^ ^ T7i/^T 

luoiiiucx* ux uuo r u-L • 

A continuous program of training for members was 

carried on within the FOI from 1951 to May, 1955 * Under thia 
program members were required to learn and memorize the material 
"Student Enrollment Rules of Islam" and orally recite them. 

This was a lecture class conducted by one MARCEDUIS JORDAN, 

After members learn and memorize the aforementioned 
to tho s&t of tho JLiis ti*\iG t tli©y woi*® &d.ys_nc©d 
to ajiother class# 

r- * 

I ' 

- 35 - 






. Jr 

CG 2^-20607 







a - 

■ 3 . 







: if , 

■ 7 . 

- ?' 


• ^ a ■ A 'V% & ^ kX . 



" 11 . 





" 16 . 

? 17 . 


" 19 . 

A" ^ X * o «.fc yQ^ »a VLA&SA «.VL^4.r^W4i ^ W 

"English Lesson ClA^'ftMch Is set forth below; 

Ky ntoia Is W, F, Moha irmii^d . 

I. came to North America by myself. 

My uncle wss brought over here by the Trader, three 
hundred seventy-nine years ago. 

My uncle can not talk his. own language* 

He does not know that he Is my \incle. 

He likes the devil because the devil gives him nothing, 
V^ ^does he like the devil? 

Because the devil put fear in him when he was a 
little boy. 

Why does he fear now since he is a big man? 

Because the doTll taught him to eat the wrong food. 

Does that have anything to do with the above 
question no. 10? 

Xes Sir, that makes him other than his ownseif, 

TiJhat is his ownseif? 

His ownseif Is a Righteous Moslem. 

Are there any Moslems, other than Righteous? 


I beg your pardon, I have never heard of one. 

How many Moslem Sons are there In North America? 
Approximately Three million. 

How many Original Moslems are there in North America? 

- 36 - 


■ V- 


CO 25-20607 

"20. A little over seventeen million. 

• 21 , Did I hoar you say some of the seventeen million do 
not know that they are Moslem? 

■ 22 . Yes Sir. 

"23. I hardly believe that unless they are blind, deaf and dumb. 

"21J., Well, they were made blind, deaf and dumb by the devil 
when they wore babies. 

"25. Can the devil fool a Moslem? 

*26, Hot now a days, 

"27, Do you mean to say the devil fooled them three hundred 
seventy-nine years ago? 

"28. Yes the Trader made an Interpretation that they receive 
gold for their labor, more than they were earning In 
their own country, 

"29. Then did they recieve gold? 

"30, Ho, the Trader disappeared and there was no one that 
could speak their language, 

"31. Then what happened? 

“ 32 , Well, they wanted to go to their own country, but they 
could not swim 9*000 miles. 

"33. Why didn't their own pepole come and get them? 

"3i4-* Because their own people did not know they were here. 

*35« When did their own people find out they were here? 

* 36 , Approxmatley, sixty years ago," 


37 - 

r o 



. S- 




CO 25-20607 

The above lesson was also tau^t by KARCELLU3 JORDAH 
and R. T. X, ASHFORD, the Minister of Temple #2 at that time. 

After a member had learned the above lesson to the 
satisfaction of the Instructor, he was allowed to proceed and study 
material contained in Lost Found Xes son #1 and Lost Found Lesson 

^ '’The ’above- lessons^ set forth below^^Jer^^^ffalned cUring 
a-.lawful search Incidental to the irrost of ELIJAH MOHAMMED on 
September 20» 19^1-2, for violation of the sedition laws, 

r ( ■ 

Lesson #Lt- 

"1, Why lsn*t the devil settled on the best part of 
the planet Earth?- 

”Ans. - Because the earth belongs to the original black 
man and knowing that the devllwas wicked and there would 
not be any peace among then. He put him out in the worst 
part of the earth and kept the beat part preserved for him- 
self ever since he made it. The best part la in Arabia at 
the Holy City Mecca, The colored man or Caucasian is the 
devil, Arabia Is in the far east and Is bordered by the 
Indian Ocean on the south, 

*2, Why did Mossa have a hard time to clvlllre the 
devil 2000 B.C.? 

"Ans, - Because he was a savage. Savage means a person 
that has lost the knowledge of himself and who is living a 
beast life, Mossa was an half original man and a prophet. 

Two thousand B.C. means before Christ. In the Asiatic world 
it was' in the eleven thousand year. Civilize means to teach 
the knowledge and wisdom of the human family of the planet 

"3« Why did we let half original man, Columbus, 
discover the poor part of the planet Earth? 

”Ans, - Because the original man Is the God and owner 
of the earth, and knows every square inch of it and haa 
chosen for himself the best part. He did not care about 
the poor part. Columbus was a half original man and was bora 







CO 25-20607 

In Italy, which Is southeast Europe, His full name was 
Christopher Columbus, and the place he discovered was 
North America, He found the Indians here, who were ' 
exiled seventeen thousand years ago from India. They are 
original people, 

" 4 , Why did wo run Yacob and his made devil from the 
root of civilization, over the hot desert. Into the cave 
of West Asia, as they now call It Etirope? What Is the mean- 
ing of Eu and Rope? How long ago? What did the devil bring 
with him? What kind of life did he live, and how long before 
Mossa come to teach the devil of the forgotten Tricknollegy? 

"Ana* - Because they had started making trouble among 
the righteous people tolling lies. They accused the righteous 
people, causing them to fl^t and kill one another, Yacob 
was an original black man, and was the father of the devil. 

He taught the devils to do this devlllshment. The root of 
civilization is In Arabia at the Holy City Mecca, which 
means where wisdom and knowledge of the original man first 
started. When the planet was found, we ran the devils over 
the Arabian Desert. We took from them everything except 
the Language and made him walk every step of the way; It waa 
twenty- two hundred miles. He went savage and lived in the 
caves of Europe. Eu means hillsides and Hope Is the rope 
to bind It. It was six thousand and nineteen years ago, 

Kosaa came two thousand years later and taught him how to 
live a respectful life, how to build a home for himself and 
some of the tricknollegy that Yacob taught him. Which was 
the devlllshment, telling lies, stealing, and how to master 
the original man. Mossa waa half original, a prophet which . 
was predicted by the twenty-throe scientists In the year 
one, fifteen thousand nineteen years ago, today, 

"5. Way did we take Jejrusalem from the devil? How 
long ago? 

"Ans* - Because one of our righteous brothers, who was 
a prophet by the name of Jesus was burled there, and he uses 
his name to shield his dirty religion, which is called 
Christianity, also to deceive the people eo they will believe 
in him. Jesus* teaching was not Christianity, It was Freedom, 

\ / 


CO 25-20607 

Justice and Equality, Jerusalem, la In south Europe, 
Jerusalem is a nwao given by Jews, vhlch means founded 
In peace, and It was first built by the original man, 
which was called Jebus, also Salem, and Ariel, We took 

X 4. V/-LU VA 4 V ve V V 

_S 4* 

vr vs w 

— P V *■ vr<s ^ ^ m. ^ v ■ 


" 6 , Why does the devil keep our people illiterate? 

”Ahs, - So that he can use them for a tool, and also 
a slave. He keeps them blind to themselves so that he can 
master them. Illiterate means Ignorant* 

•v. UViv Af\m» tVi(» <•■11 Ain* tiAAnl « Afrlearia? 

|V T ^ 

"Ans* - To make our people of North America believe 
that the people on that continent are the only people they 
have and are all savage. He bought a trading post in the 
jungle of that continent, the original people live on this 
continent and they are the ones who strayed away from civili- 
zation and are living a jungle life. The original people call 
this continent Asia, but the devils call It Africa, to try 
to divide them. He wants us to think that we all are different 

" 8 , Why does the devil keep our people apart, from 
his social eq^iality? 

~Ans. - Because he does not want us to know how filthy 
he is and all his affairs, ho is afraid because when we 
learn about him we will run him from among us* Socialist 
means to advocate. A society of men or groups of men for one 
ecMRon cause. Equality means to be equal In everything, 

"9. Why does Mohammed make the devil study from 
thirty-five to fifty years before he can call himself a 
Moslem Son? And wear the greatest and only Flag of the 
universe? And he must add a sword on the upper part of the 
Holy and Greatest TTnlverse Flag of lalaa, 


"Ans, - So that he could clean himself up, A Moslem 
does not love the devil, regardless to how long he studies, 
after he has devoted thirty-five or fifty years trying to 
learn and do like the original man. 



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H« could coaio and do trading among ua and we would not kill 
him aa quick aa we would the other devlla, that la who 
has not gone under thla ttudy. After he goea through with 
thla labor from thirty-five to fifty years, we permit him 
to wear our holy Flag, which la the Sun, Koon and Star, 

He must add the aword on the upper part. The aword la an 
emblem of Justice, and It was used by the original man In 
Mohammed’a time. Thus, It waa placed on the upper part, of 
the flag ao that the devils can always see it, so he will 
keep In mind, that any time that he reveals the secreta. We 
give him thla chance so that he could clean himself up and 
come among ua. His head would be taken off by the sword. 
The holy flag of I flam' la the greatest and only flag known* 
The Universe is everything - Sun, Moon, and Stars. They 
are planets. Planets are something grown or made from the 
beginning, and holy is something that has not been diluted, 
mixed, or tampered with In any form. 

® 10 , Vhy does Mohammed and any Moslem murder the devil? 
VThat la'.the duty of each Moslem In regard to four devlla? 
What reward does a Moslem receive by presenting the four 
devils at one time? 

*Ant, - Because he Is one hundred per cent wicked and 
will not keep and obey the laws' of Islam, His ways and 
actions are like a snake of the' grafted type. So Mohammed 
learned that he could not reform the devlla, so they had to 
be Fiurdored, Ail Moslems will murder the devil because 
they know he Is a snake and also if he be allowed to live, 
he would ating someone else. Each Moslem is required to 
bring four devils, and by bringing and presenting four at 
one time his reward Is a button to wear on the lapel of hls 
coat, also a free transportation to the Holy City Mecca to 
see brother Mohammed. 

a # 

11 . Have you not heard that yoUr wal'd shall bo 
Bond rogardlesi ©f whom or what? 

”Ans. - Yes. My word is bond and bond is life and 
I will give my life before my word shall fall. 




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"12* What la tha meaning of P.O.I.T 

"Ana. - The’PMtt'of lalam, the name given to the 
military training of the men that belonga to Islam In 
Forth America, 

*13* What la the moaning of Lieut, and Capt.7 

"Ana. " Captain and Lieutenant, The duty of a captain 
la to give orders to the lieutenant and the lieutenant* a duty 
is to teach the private soldiers and also train them. 

"ll;. What la the meaning of M.O.T, and G.C.7 

"Ana, - Moslem Girls* Training and General Civiliza- 
tion Class, this was the name given to the training of women 
and girls In Forth America how to keep house, how to rear 
their children, how to take care of their husband, sew, cook, 
and in general, how to act at home and abroad. These training 
units were named by our prophet and leader of Islam, W.D, 

Lesson #2 ; 

"1, Who made the Holy Koran or Bible? How long ago? 

Will you tell us why does Islam re-new her history every 
twenty-five thousand years? 

"Ana, - The Holy Koran or Bible is made by the original 
people, who Is Allah, the supreme being, or (black man) of! 
Asia* the Koran will expire in the year twenty-five thousand. 
Fine thousand and el^t years from the date of this writing 
- the Fation of Islam la all wise and does everything right and 
exact. The planet Earth, which la the home of Islam and la 
approximately twenty-five thousand miles In circumference, 
so the wise man of the East (black man) makes history or 
Koran, to equal hla homo circumference, a year to evei*y idle 
and thus every time hit history lasts twenty-five thousand 
years, he re-news it for another twenty-five thousand years, 

“2, What la the circumference? 

V "Ana. - 24,896 miles. Approximately 2$, 000 miles, 

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"3, What la the dlametar of tho planot? 

•Ana, - 7*926 Billoa, Savon thouaand nlna hiindrad 
twantj aix mile a. 

"If. What la tho total aquaro mlloagof 

"Ana. - 196,9l;0,000 mllea, Ono httnArod ninety- alx 
million, nine hundred forty- thou* and aquare mllea, 

"5» How much la the land and water? 

"Ana, - 57*255*000 aquare mllea of land. 139,685*000 
aquare miles of water, 

"61 iJhat la the total wel^t of mur Planet? 


"Ana, 66 Sex trillion tona, A unit followed by 
twenty-one ciphers. 

"7* How fast does our planet travel per hour? • 

"Ana. - 1,037 1/3 mllaa per ho\ir, 

"6, What makes rain, hall, snow and earthquakes? 

"Ana, - Tho Earth la approxlra tely covered under water, 

a M /I. ^ a j ^ ^ rrvi j vf ^ ^ ^ 

4kppX*OAXJH& 1 ^ 0 x 7 3 / 4 ^^ C71 a\U*iaC9m XU9 OUXl axiu riOQXl^ 

having attracting power on our planet while our planet 
making the terrific apeed of 1,037 l/3 mllea on its way 
around the Sun, The Sun draws this water up Into the Earth 
rotation, which la called gravitation. In a fine mist that 
the naked eye can hardly detect. But aa thla mlat ascends 
higher and Increasing with other mists of water In different 
currents of the atmosphere until when she becomea heavier 
than gravitation, then she distills back to the Earth in the 

aa # avv* r4T•/av^a as#" s,rVt4 

^ VA au W4» wp0 «V'0wa saa vaa vpv wa ^ vva*aiW4.a wa* 

how heavy the mlat was in the current of the air It was In; 
there are some layer or current of air real cold and warst 
and some very swift and changeable so when the water strikes 
one of these cold currents it becomea solid ice in small 
round drops In form or in a light fluffy form which la 

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^ ' "Ans 



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csLXXwd sncVy l?\it tliis cp 1 s not on cln*wTi fifeoyo ■ Xx 
Billoa from the Earth's surface by the Sun and Moon; the 
reason It rains back on our planet Is because It cannot 
get out of the Earth Sphere with its high speed of rotating 
aroimd the Sun makes It impossible. Earthquakes are caused 
by the Son of man by experimenting on high explosion; in 
fact that all the above is caused by the Son of man, 

"9* does the devil teach the eight-five per 

r.Ant:^ hlnah a God brincF® all thla? 

^ W-, -■ ^ 

”Aiis, - To conceal the true God which Is the Son of 
man and make slaves out of the 85^ by keeping them wor- 
shipping something ho knows they cannot see (invltlble) 
and he lives and makes himself rich from their labor; the 
know that It rains, hails and snows also hear It 
thtmdor above his head. But they do not try to learn, 
who Is It that causes all this to hs^en by letting the 
5/t teach thom| he believe a In the 10% on face value. 

"10, Who Is that mystery God? 

"Ana. - There is not a mystery God, The Son of man 
has ses-pched for that mystery God for trillions of yeari 
and was unable to find a mystery God. So they have agreed 
that the only God ia the Son of man. So they lose no time 
searching for that that does not exist. 

"11, Will you set up home, and wait for that mystery 
God to bring you food? 

"Ans. - Emphatically No, Me and ray people who have 
been lost from home for throe hundred and iovority-nlne yoaPi 
have tried this so called mystery God for bread, clothing 
and a Home, and we receive nothing but hard times, hunger, 
naked and out of doors, also was beat and killed by the onei 
who advocated that kind of God and no relief came to us 
until the Son of man came to our aid, by the name of ouP 
Prophet, W, D, Pard, 

Tell us why the devil does not teach that? 

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"13. But bring r«.ln, mow md Earthquake «? 

"Am. - They continue dally ^ to teach the Q$% that 
all thii that you see such as rain, snow, hall and Earth- 
quakes comes from that mystery God that no one will over be 
able to see until he dies. This Is believed by the 6$%. 

The 10^ know that when man dies that he will never come back 
and tell the living whether ho lied or not because the dead 
la never known to return from the grave- All the History 
of Islam never reveals anything that no man had ever been 
able to come back from a physical death. But there Is a 
chance for mental death, because the lost found was once 
dead mentally and many of them revived from It, But they 
were not physically dead, only mentally dead, 

"111.. Vtio la the 

"Ana. - The uncivilized people, poison animal eaters, 
slave from mental death and power. People who do not know 
the living God, or their origin In this world and they 
worship that they know not what. Who are easily led in the 
wrong dlrectlpn but hard to lead Into the right direction, 

"15. Who la the 

"Ana. - The rich, the slave makers of the poor, who 
teach the poor Ilea, to believe that the almighty, true and 
living God Is a spook and cannot bo seen by the physical eye 
Otherwise known as the blood sucker of the poor, 

"16. Who is the in this poor part of the EarthT 

"Ans. - They are the poor, righteous teachers, who 
do not believe In the teaching of the 10^ and are all wise 
and know who the living God Is and teach that the living God 
Is the Son of man, the supreme being, the (black man) of 
Asia; and teach Freedom, Justice and Equality to all the 
human family of the planet Earth, otherwlie known as 
civilized people. Also Is Moslem and Moslem Sons, 

"17, What is the meaning of civilization? 

"Ans, - One having knowledge, wisdom, land erst and Ing, 
culture, refinement and ia not savage. Pursuit of happiness 


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ca 25-20607 

What la tha dutj of a clvllizad parson? 

*Ans. - To teach the unclTlllred people who are aaTage, 
civilization, righteousness, the knowledge of himself, the 
science of everything In life, love, peace and happiness, 

" 19 , If a civilized person does not perform his duty 
what must be done? 

"Ani, - If a civilized person does not perform his duty 
which Is teaching civilization to others they should be 
punished with a severe punishment, Ezekiel, Chapter 3, I 8 
Verse; St. Luke chapter 12, I 4.7 verse. 

"20, What is the prescribed law of Islam of said 
person of that ability? 

"Ans, - That the civilized person Is held responsible 
for ttie uncivilized and ho must be punished by the nation 
of lalam. 

"21, Who was the founder of unlike attract and like 

"Ans* - An original man who was a scientist by the 
name of Yacob born twenty miles from the holy city Mecca, 

In the year eight thousand four hundred. 

"22, How old was the founder? 

"Ans, - When Yaeob was six years old, while playing 
with two pieces of steel, he discovered one piece had 
magnetic in It and the other piece did not. Then he learned 
that the piece with magnetic attracted the piece that did 
not have magnetic in it; then he told hi a people that when 
he was old enough he would make a nation that would be unlike 
and he would teach them+ricknolledge and they would rule for 
six thousand years. 

" 23 , Tall us what he promised his Nation he would do? 

"Ans, - That he would make a devil graft him from his 
own people and that he would teach them how to rule hli 
people for aix thousand years, 

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”24, Vhat waa hit Idea of making devil? 

"Ana. - It was predicted of him that he would make 
devil eight thousand four hundred years before he was born. 

So he waa born with a determined idea to make a people to 
rule for six thousand years, 

“25* How long did it take him to make devil? 

•Ana, - Six hundred years he waa in grafting devil or 
making hiin from the black man, 

"26, What year waa that? 

"Ana, - It was in the year eight thousand four h\indred, 
which means from the date of our present history or Koran, 
or about two thousand and six hundred years before the birth 
of the Prophet Mossa, 

"27. What waa the name of the place where he manufactured 
the devil? 

"Ant. - Pelan, The same that is called Fatmos in the 
Reve; chapter 1 , 9 Verse; an Island that is situated in the 
ABgean sea, 

"28, And what kind of rules and regulations including 
all laws enforced while manufacturing the devil, 

"Ana, - Yacob first rule was to see that all his 
followers were healthy, strong and good bresders. If not, 
he sent them back. All that he found that was not good in 
multiplying and that they should marry at the age of sixteen. 
Next, Yacob gave his people the law on birth control to be 
enforced while manufacturing the devil. That was to destroy 
the alike and save the unlike which means kill the (black 
babies) and save the brown bablea. This law was given to the 
doctors, the ministers, the nurses and 'cremator. The doctors 
law was to examine all that marry and this was hli law that 
anyone desiring to marry must first be qualified by the doctor, 
and in turn he qualified or disqualified them fo the minister, 
The mlnlater would marry only the ones that were unlike. 

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The nuriei law was to kill the black babies at birth by 
sticking a needle in the brain of the tables or feed It to 
some wild beast and tell the mother that her baby was an 
angel baby, and that it was only taken to heaven and some day 
when the mother dies her baby would have secured her a home 
In heaven. But save all the brown one a and tell their mother 
that she was lucky that her* baby wag a holy baby and she 
should take good care of her baby, educate It and that some 
day It would be a great man. All nurses, doctors and 
mlnistera, Yacob put them under a death penalty to fall to 
carry out the law as it was given to them. Also, the 
cremator who would burn the black babies when the nurse 
brought it to him; also death for them if they reveal the 
secret. He also had other rules and laws which are not 
mentioned in thla lesson, 

"29, Tell us, why he was successful in all his 

"Ans, - Because the people who were hia followera obeyed 
Tacob laws, Regardleas what he told them to do, they did 
It, If not they paid with their lives for every law they 
broke, Yacob did not build prison housea to imprison his 
people when one fell victim of the law; the penalty waa death 
and waa enforced on every victim, 

**30, Tell us what and how the devil la mads? 

"Ans, - The devil is made from the original people by 
grafting; by separating the germs. In the black man there 
exist two germs; one a black germ and one a brown germ. Yacob, 
with hit law on birth control, separated the brown germs from 
the black man and grafted it into a white by destroying the 
black germ. After following this process for six hundred 
years, the gem became white, and weak and waa no more 
original. Also by thinning the original blood it became weak 
and wicked and it is no more the same. Thus, this 1 « .the 
way Yacob made the devil. 

“31, To make devil, what anist you first do? 

"Ana, - To make devil, one must begin grafting from 









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' "32. 


Tall ua tha mental and physical power of a real 


"Ana, - The mental power of a real devil la nothing In 
comparison with the original man. He only has six ounce* 
of brain, while the original man ha* seven and one half 
ounces of brain. They are grafted brain. The devil* a 
phyalcal power la leaa than one third that of the original 
man. The devil la weak bona, weak blood, becauae he 1 * grafted 
from the original; therefore hla mental and phyalcal povrer, 
la much weaker than the original man, 

"33. What Is a devil? 

"Ana, - A grafted man which 1 * made weak and wicked, 
or any grafted live germ, from original, 1 * devil, 

And can you reform devil? 

"Ana, - No, All the prophet* have tried to reform him 
(devil) but were unable, ao they have agreed that it cannot 
be done unleaa we graft him back to the original man which 
take* alx hundred yeara. So Inatoad of losing time grafting 
him back, they have decided to take him off the planet, who 
numbers only one to every eleven original people. 

" 35 * Toll ue the exact date of the expiration of the 
devil* s clvlliaation? 


"Ans, - Bbtplred In nineteen and fourteen, 

•36. Tell ua the exact number of yeara, month* and 
day*, of devil being birthed on the planet? 

"An*. - Six thouaand and twenty year*. And aeventy-two 
thouaand, two hundred and forty-one month* , Two million, 
one hundred nlnety-aeven thouaand three hunfijfed and fifty- 
one daya, at the date of thi* writing ( 6,020 yeara, 72,2li,l 
month*, 2,197,351 day*) 

" 37 - Tell u* what the devil teache* the el^ty-flve 
'■per cent that the God, 1 * a righteoua and unseen being, 
exlsta everywhere. ' 

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"Ans, - AllAh !• God, In tho Earth, And‘lh ' 111 # heaven 
ahore and ia Ju*t and true, and there la no vmrighteouaneaa 
In him. But la not unaeen; la aeen and la heard everywhere, 
for he la the all eye seeing. 

"38, Then, why did God make devil? 

*Ana« - To show forth hla power, that ho l 4 'all wise, 

-and rlghteoua, and that he could make a devil which la weak, 
and wicked and give the devil power to rule the Earth for 
aix thousand yeara and then destroy the devil In one day 
withoiit falling a victim to the devil* a civilization; other- 
wlae to show and prove that Allah la the God; alwaya haa teen 
, .'fUAd "kHI 

** 39 . Now, tell ua would you hope to live to see that 
the Goda will take the devil into hella. In a very near 

"Ana. - Yea, I fast and pray, Allah. In the name of 
hla Prophet, V. D, Fard. That I fee the hereafter when 
Allah in hla own good time takoa the devil off our planet. 

"14.0, What will be your reward In regarda to the 
deatructlon of the devil? 

"Ana. - Peace and happlneas, I will give all I have 
and all within my power to aee thla day, for which I have 
waited 379 yeara. 

"Thla leaaon #2 was given by our Prophet, W. B. Pard, which 
contalna 1|0 queatlona answered by Elijah Mohammed, one of 
the lost found In the Wilderness of North America, February 

20 th, 1934." 

Coxirses of Instruction were also given In the Arable 
language under JAMIL DIAB, a teacher at the TJnlveralty of lalam. 

Other coursea of Inatruction which were given to the membera Included 
hygiene, conducted by a Dr. BLI, and military procedure, by RAYMOND 
SHARRIEFP, Captain of the POI , and Lieutenant SAMUEL X, alao of 
the POI. Thla military procedure conalated of eloae order march- 
ing by the membera. 


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* *’'XndlTldual member* were required to undergo ln«ti*uction* 
before being allowed to advance from one cla»a to another and are 
kept In the claaa until the material which It pretented It learned 
to the tatlafactlon of the Inatructor, 

^7 0 

Temple #2 of the MCI currently hat a continuing program 
of Instruction for the member* of the POI, New member* are re- 
quired to study, rcemorlee, and recite the material entltlel_ 
"Student Enrollment Rule* of I*lam","Entllsh Lesson cl," and 
"Lott Found Letton* #1 and 2", '' . ‘-3 

i These course* are -of the lecture 'type 

'"^th member* being required to orally recite the answer*. The 
Ijiftructors of these courtcs are KARRI©! ALLAH, the Head Invettl— 
gator of Temple #2, and JAKES ANDERSON, Assistant Minister of 
Temple #2. , : 

Other course* of Instruction offered the members are 
aiiitairy drill 

a rtrt rt V rt a %gTi n tt't t tn— . jn’i ^ 

eona'UC'Goa Kj\jr\u\jn 91. 

aH-J. a. X J vs-a x. -JL ^ w w ^ ^ ^ ^ 

FOI of Temple #2; English writing and spelling class, conducttd 
by ERNEST MC GEE, Secretary of Ten^le #2; arithmetic course*, 
conducted by WILLIAM TYSON, Lieutenant in the FOI of Temple #2. 
The above course* have varying degree* of difficulty and member* 
must be able to recite answer* and pass written exsmlnatlons In 
all of these courses before being allowed to advance. 


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